ten marines in one day... |
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- Friday, December 2 2005, 18:52:10 (CET) from - pool-71-116-103-54.snfcca.dsl-w.verizon.net ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
..that has to be a record. yesterday American positions were attacked...naturally they said no damage was done...so I guess today they wanted to make sure. This happened in Fallujah...it was another of Bush's successes...remember? Now they'll mount an "offesnive" to "succeed" some more...all that means is they'll go through and kill anyone they find. Like the bullshit about how you need torture to get information but in reality all it amounts to is one more weapon of Americam Terror...clearing out insurgents just means making everyone there pay...hoping, I suppose, the good citizens will turn on their own and cooperate...of course it backfires...instead of going over to the Americans, more Iraqis have more reasons to hate more Americans...more people join the Resistance (I'm sure the Nazis had unkind words to say about Resistance Fighters too) and the next day ten Marines get blown to pieces. Bush already has his whinning cop-out: "The Liberals stopped me". Yeah ,right. Like if you don't cave in COMPLETELY and make a Saddam-like Dictatorship with no Loyal Opposition in America...with NO two parties but just one great BIG one that comes together to fatten itself...if you try to keep America a pluralistic society where debate and reason trump De Lawd...you are a TRAITOR and THAT'S the reason Buish failed to win Iraq. Actually, he DID win..he got almost all he came into office for...and the Alaska Wilderness is that much closer to making us "less dependent"..and I say DRILL IT...go ahead...foul and fuck America up for a change...stop exporting fumes and chemicals and junk factories and sweat shops with child-laborors and oil rigs around the world...bring it home and choke YOURSELVES and your "envious Republican lifestyle" for a change. Jesus curse you. --------------------- |
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