The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Assyrianism - PHASE II

Assyrianism - PHASE II
Posted by JUMBLAT (Guest) - Friday, December 7 2007, 7:06:12 (CET)
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Q: and what do you think about an administrative region in the Nineveh plain tied to Baghdad?

R E P L Y >>>

At outset, I have to say that our situation is very critical , and such sad and tragic situation comes from variety of reasons , to name :
- As a tiny minority
- We think and act as if we are in millions
- We throw ourselves in the lap of others without thinking of the consequences
- We allied with the Q.....s blindly, that these people are after our land in the first place and STILL DO THAT!
- We ask things bigger than us
- We are even with our small numbers divided , and
- The most ironic , the denominations or within a denomination struggle is weakening us - a case in point of His Grace Dr. Mar Bawai and his the so-called reform WHILE OUR PEOPLE ARE SCATTERED in Syria , Jordan and other places.


I am positive as Assyrians and Christians we suffered a lot through the course of history, and our goal is and especially in the current situation to achieve two things-

- To live in peace and harmony, and
- To preserve our Assyrian nationality

And it is crystal clear that in the past we depended on foreign powers be that Russian, French , British or as of today the Americans.

The reality was and it is that none of the above GIVE DAMN for us no matter how much we cry and beg them that we are Christians or Assyrians, for a simple reason that these powers never came around to serve us, BUT TO SERVE THEIR INTERESTS and in many occasions they stated them clearly, this is something that our people never grasped and UNFORTUNATELY never do even in the future.

My advise will be that we cling in unity of the land, for a simple reason that the UNITY of the LAND is the one will guarantee our survival , but a divided IRAQ will be our enemy number one, because we can't live and flourish in a country which is divided and may be will be in constance frictions between each other that even if we have our ENCLAVE that sooner or later they will squeeze us and even ERASE us.

The Assyrians must push then for unity of the land , because when the IRAQ is united I am positive Assyrians could live anywhere in safety and prosperity and meanwhile they could preserve their ethnicity too.
When democracy establish itself in a UNITED IRAQ , I am sure the Assyrians in the plain of Nineveh will administrate themselves without seeking that in one hand and could enjoy life in other places in a country which is ours as a WHOLE more than any one else, because in that time will speak about its history which is dominated by us the ASSYRIANS , while if GOD forbid the country will be divided then you will not hear about our history , but the country will be transformed to speak about SHIA, SUNNI , Q...D and others .

In conclusion, we should press as I said for unity of the land time being , to exhibit our patriotism where I am positive the rest will respect us EXCEPT the separatist Q.....s , that we don't give a damn for them when IRAQ a true Iraq will erase that evil enclave for good.

Ashur Beth-Shlimon



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