The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Because you're simply not up to it...

Because you're simply not up to it...
Posted by Muncho (Guest) - Thursday, December 6 2007, 21:27:23 (CET)
from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Anytime one tries to have a serious discussion with you, you get a FIT and you start throwing insults to distract everyone from the subject... People are then forced to act and behave the same way you do... Haven't we tried this before?... Are you too STUPID to see that what I'm doing on your forum here, and I will stick to doing, is EXACTLY the way you have behaved for as long as I have known you?

Not everyone has lost control of themselves and their behavior like you, you know?...

There has been time when I said to you that I like some of your "thoughts", hasn't there? But I also said " I Don't like the INDECENT and NEGATIVE way you express them"... And the problem is... You have no idea why you behave the way you do towards every Assyrian person that says "Hi" to you... And you won't know until the day you Know YOURSELF first...

You claim to "know" everything, YET, you are too DUMB to to know YOURSELF... Too DUMB to understand the real reason behind you attacking everyone... Too DUMB to know that ALL the "reasons" you give to justify your behavior, are nothing but EXCUSES...

Now tell me MASTER, can anyone be in a more pathetic position than the one you're in now? Where you keep repeating that ALL Assyrians are Assholes, while you three stooges are the only "bright" ones?

Do I think that you, Mazloom and the other IDOL stooge will UNDERSTAND what is written above?...

Not in this lifetime... Maybe the next one or the one after it...


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