The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Chaldeans have the same right

Chaldeans have the same right
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Friday, November 30 2007, 0:50:03 (CET)
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Since these giants of Christendom and their so called "Assyrian" nation are always harassing the Chaldeans and demanding their proof and records of being Chaldean, how about we try the same game. I remember when that clown Fred Aprim once argued that there is no record of the Chaldeans of Ur ever migrating to Assyria and that "Chaldean" is totally made up by the church. Now, they can fairly demand the same of Aprim and Dadeesho. Show proof that Assyrians migrated to the mountains of modern day Turkey and lived there for over 2600 years and that the same Nestorian Christians who were accepted to live in Iraq after 1918 are truly Assyrian. Where is their evidence to back their claims up? They demand evidence from Chaldeans of their migration to the Nineveh region, and they fail to realize their their shit is build on thin ice as well. They argue with Chaldeans and say that their language is not "Chaldean" but they forget that this fact applies to them as well. There is no such thing as an "Assyrian" language but there is "Aramaic" or "Syriac" and that is not the same. They argue that the church preserved the Assyrian language and cuylture but that is a bunch of bull shit because they did not preserve Assyrian but they preserved Syriac.

They make it look as if Aramaic was the language of the ancient Chaldeans, Baylonians and Assyrians but they intentionally lie while knowing that they had their own languages. "Aramaic" is and was the language of the "Aramean" civilization. Their language grew popular and became the lingua franca of the region. Pretty soon the Babylonians and others adopted for business purposes, but it was not their language. Todays Assyrians and Chaldeans do not speak the ancient languages but they speak Syriac or neo Aramaic. So, the modern Chaldeans have every right to demand evidence from these Nestorians and I can gurantee that Aprim has nothing but what he pulls from his own ass and the asses from those clowns who write and publish their own books. They say there is no history of the ancient Chaldeans relocating to Assyria, and there is no record of the ancient Assyrians relocating north and elsewhere. For all we know the Nestorians who came to Iraq less than a 100 years ago could be Aramean or of any other descend, but because the English men named the Nestorians as "Assyrians" so they settled with that. It's ironic that a 100 years ago they couldn't find a single "Assyrian" giant and all of the sudden the Nestorains began known as Assyrians. As I have I stated before, who knows what they would have called themselves today if it were not for the British.

Before they demand proof from the Chaldeans, they can shut the hell up and produce their evidence, and, if they can't which we know they can't, they can shut up. They like to dictate others yet don't want to acknowledge that the same trick was played on them by the White man as it was played with the Chaldeans. Personally, in my opinion, the only people who have a ligit claim are the Arameans of Syria and Turkey. They speak Aramaic, they still live in their native regions and they call themselves "Arameans". They did not forget their ethnicity for 2000 years and partially it's because they didn't give up their language or adopt another language. They switched dialects but did not give up their language and identity. There was an Assyrian genius who even went to the extend of denying the ancient Arameans period and claiming that it was only a language and not a people or a nation. Just as they claim "Syria"="Assyria" "Aramaic"="Assyrian" and no one else has anything or any right to claims but them and none of their claims are based on facts. They call books written by clowns like Aprim as "evidence", what a joke.


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