The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Fluff-Dried Rosie

Fluff-Dried Rosie
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Tuesday, March 27 2007, 20:46:30 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...the woman is everywhere. She weeps from Washington to Los Angeles over the fate of "her people". In Zindalite she even says she knows how her people are suffering....she does? This self-promotional tour she and her sister-manager have embarked upon would be better suited to super market openings than senate hearings. Rosie was born with silver-plated spoon in her mouth she has only recently replaced with a gold one...whatever can be learned of "suffering" from a life spent inside mini-mansions, I´m sure she has memorized.

...It`s a little unseemly, but in full accord with the general nuttiness of this nation that Rosie, having written one absolutely horrible so bad it failed to qualify for the annual Bulwer-Lytten Award, has made herself into a blow-dried Joan D`Bullshit, speaking and weeping on cue over "her people".

...If she wants to suffer along with "her people", let her go where they are suffering....not where they are hearing about the suffering.


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