The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> "He has killed 200,000" and etc.

"He has killed 200,000" and etc.
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Sunday, November 2 2014, 16:00:23 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title:

I'm tired of hearing of how we should go half-way round the world to destroy countries because their leaders are bad people....Assad is said to have killed 200,000 people during the war in his what? What does that have to do with American tax-payers and poor ho can barely keep themselves and their families alive...and how many Americans die each year from industrial accidents and sheer medical neglect....and how would it have been if foreign countries had intervened in our Civil War where we killed ove 600,000 of OUR own people?

This pretext that Americans "care" about other people is getting tiresome and weak as an excuse to feed even more money into the fat maws of our warmongers.


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