The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Iraqis may offer U.S. long term deal to stay longer

Iraqis may offer U.S. long term deal to stay longer
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Monday, November 26 2007, 16:23:02 (CET)
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"Iraq's government is prepared to offer the U.S. a long-term troop presence in Iraq and preferential treatment for American investments in return for an American guarantee of long term security including defense against internal coups, the Assosiated Press learned Monday."

Did the Iraqi people have any say in this or any decision making in this? If I'am reading this right, they are willing to basically sell the country just they already have anyways in order to receive "defense"? That reminds me of how they bring corrupt leaders, which they install in foreign countries, to the United States provide them females and give them blow jobs while they are signing deals selling out their people and nation in retutn for little things. First of all, the Iraqi government is a puppet government and it does not truly represent the Iraqi people but rather is there to serve the interest of the U.S. government and the few elites who are trying to continue eating double cheese burgers and drive lincoln navigators, every one knows this except Jumblat and the small tiny religious community from Iraq which calls itself "Assyrian Christians of Iraq".

This does not come as a surprise as they just building the largest U.S. embassy in the world in Baghdad. They have basically build their own city inside Baghdad. All the constructon that has been going on and all these American contractors are building for the foreigners mainly Americans and using Iraqi wealth during the process to pay for the expenses. Of course, they weren't going to leave. this was never the objective to just go there, over throw Saddam, remove the sanctions and let Iraqis live in peace, did anyone actually think this is the whole idea? They never have done this and they never will do this. They never go to war to protect people but only to serve their interests. Or else they'd be in Rawanda, North Korea and wherever else there are problems and not only in Iraq. They have killed far more Iraqis in 4 years than Saddam did during his entire time, yet these same people are so concerned for the Iraqi people.

I remember the giants of Assyria (Fred Aprim) and a couple of other clowns were talking about the Iraqi people are dying anyways under Saddam so going to war is good for "freedom" and "democracy" in the "long run". This is their mentality. This is what I call "Suraye" mentality. Especially clowns like Aprim and Dadeesho they are willing to have people killed in order to say that there is "Christian persecution" or "Moslems are killing the oldest Christian community in the world" for no other reason than refusing to "renounce Jesus"(pbuh). As I have always said, this kind of stuff works among naive people who don't know anything nor are aware of the real issue. They were not going to help Freddy's Assyria, nor were they there to help the Iraqi people, but it was a whole different reason. As they said after 9/11 "the world will never be the same". They are not going to leave anytime soon. At the rate they are going right now, as much as oil they are stealing from Iraq, the oil will last for another 100 to 150 years to come. They are not going anywhere and they are planning on going elsewhere afterwards. They will never leave Iraq(Mesopotamia) alone. Never, until they get a Vietnam or as they showed their soldiers being dragged through the streets of Moghadishu, they will never leave. It's funny how Aprim and them clowns have been telling stories of so called "Moslem men raping Christian women in Iraq" yet been silent on the many American soldiers who are really guilty of rape. Since I have always lived near an American military base and have friends who are in the military and just came back from Iraq, I know of real rape cases that we will never hear on CNN and, oh by the way, don't nobody believe the current death toll of Iraqi civilians and American soldiers. The numbers on FOX news and CNN are there to satisfy their rednecks so they won't have a heart attack as they swallow their pork burgers at waffel house.


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