The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Just Kidding, MunchoMaggie

Just Kidding, MunchoMaggie
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Wednesday, November 21 2007, 0:36:04 (CET)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:'re secret is safe with me. Having scared you off into your screechassyria there's no need to frighten you further.

The tip-off came,easily enough, when you brought up your favorite way of disguising the fact that you are caught with your pants down; by telling us to go "research" some more in order to see "all sides"...when there is no need for US to do any more research...

For instance you can't very well tell people they need to do more research before claiming the world is round. I mean you can SAY that but what a fool you make of when you told us we must "research" more into Dadeeshoos bogus, store-bought Ph.D. Why on earth would any more research be needed? The GAO, meaning the federal government HAS investigated several of these diploma mills, including the very same one Dadeesho bought his degree which the most respected Modesto Bee newspaper did an issue just on Dadeeshoo and reached the same would seem to any honest person that enough research had already been done. To tell us to do more only admits that you have nothing to counter these facts, already well-established. If you, or Dadeesho, had the slightest bit of "research" to show otherwise, I'm sure you would have rushed to place it before us...but you have none and so you think you've won some grace or fooled anyone when you tell us "more is needed" you have "high standards" which we, and the GAO and Modesto Bee are lacking...come on, get real.

Likewise with your claim to being Assyrian, lineal descendant etc. But we'll grant you that, for the sake of argument...okay, you CAN be Assyrian...kay? Now YOU show us where any group of people claiming lineal descent from ANY previous owners of land have been GIVEN any of that land back. It's common knowledge in all the world that nations STEAL their land and if they can keep it, it becomes their's. I'm not making it isn't some "wild" opinion of's common knowledge and needs no "further research" to verify.

On the other hand YOUR claim does...your claim has never operated anywhere in the world...especially not a claim over 2000 years old, fer chrissakes...what do I need to research? YOU are making the outlandish claim therefore YOU have to bring us YOUR research showing that this sort of thing is accepted anywhere and has been implemented.

And I love your, "What about the Greeks"? What does that have to do with anything? No Greek makes claims to direct descent from any Greek living 2500 years ago...and if they did they'd get the same reception you do..especially if they then went on to DEMAND the Parthenon...because "everyone knows" it belonged to the ancient Greeks. I mean REALLY!

Actually, our own Jeffrey did just that, for you. He managed to find a tribe in Canada who were recently awarded a fraction of their indigenous lands back,,,mostly trees and mountains and of little value to the rest of the nation...but this is so very diffrernt from what assyrians demand that it requires a separate post...which I'd be happy to provide.

So...the person standing on the side of history, common usage, international law etc, does not have to do "more research" to back up what is well known and subscribed is the one making an unheard of claim that has to do the research...although ultimately it's moot anyway because we aren't talking about "Law" or "Reason" or "Logic" when we discuss assyrian claims...we're in the land of make-believe..of emotional convictions and childhood fantasies...could anyone have proven, with tons of research, to the Nazis that Jews were not inferior? I doubt it for it was an emotional conviction born of prejudice. Just as no one find ANY "research" which would convince you there is no basis anywhere to your demands for "your lands back", because it's all based on emotions and feelings and prejudice with a heavy dose of enshrined ignorance. If you can find any..if any existed...I'm sure you would put them you expect us to go find and report back...we already have...we've listed books and arguments and reasons etc. All you've done is ask us to go find more....we now ask you to do the same...go do YOUR work,,,,as we've done ours and post YOUR research, as we've posted ours.


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