The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Losers click here, get serious and explain...

Losers click here, get serious and explain...
Posted by Muncho (Guest) - Friday, December 7 2007, 8:25:33 (CET)
from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

There was a time when the 60+ year old pancho was in "love" with Assyrians. He had full respect for them and never said a bad word abot them... And there also was a time when AzzyrianMazloom was the same... He loved and respected Assyrians and never said a bad word about them either...

There came a time in pancho's life and in AzzyrianMazloom's life where things happened, and they were irritated, annoyed, frustrated, and probably hurt as well... After that, pancho and azzyrianmazloom had to re-assess their beliefs and ideas about those Assyrians they associated with... pancho and Azzyrianmazloom were hurt and probably felt "deceived"... Now, they have to change thier views about Assyrians, because "Unexpected" things were done to them by Assyrians...

So, pancho and Assyrianmazloom decide that Assyrians aren't good people anymore, because they "hurt" them in someways, maybe many ways...

The Question is...

-- Were pancho and Azzyrianmazloom "Naive and Stupid" before the events that made them turn against those they "Liked"?

-- Or, did pancho and Azzyrianmazloom ALWAYS know that Assyrians were Bad, but they still decided to go along with them and "pretend" they like them?

-- If pancho and Azzyrianmazloom were "Naive and Stupid" before, for many many years, What makes you think that they are not the same now?

-- If pancho and Azzyrianmazloom were "good" and "bright" before, what were they doing with the "bad" Assyrians for such a very long time?

pancho spent more than 40 years of his life before he changed his mind, and Azzyrianmazloom spent 20, 30 years? before he also changed his mind about Assyrians...

Could pancho and Azzyrianmazloom have been so stupid that it took them 20, 30 and 40 years before they woke up to themselves?

What actually happened from the day pancho and Mazloom were kissy kissy with Assyrians, to the day they started hating them with passion?

Explain that without you BS claim that you don't hate anyone...

Lets see how serious you can get...


The full topic:

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