The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Now, I come to Mumbo

Now, I come to Mumbo
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Thursday, December 6 2007, 0:58:55 (CET)
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While you say you are not religious, I don't see a point of talking about it then. This is an Assyrian forum and not an "Islamic/Christian" interfaith dialogue place. If you want to talk about Islam and Christianity, we can do so elsewhere but don't waste my time. If you want to talk about polotics then stick to it on here. You people are surely a waste of time and no one to really behave around so I decided to join the club to and use foul language and do that kinda stuff. But whenever, you people are serious or want to truly discuss real topics as those pancho be raising, bring it on. You need to get over the broken sculptures and the virgins. You need to get laid it seems like. Sex is not a problem for me at all, but you are so fascinated by the "women in paradise". You say you don't follow any religion or care, yet you keep mentioning it. If you don't care, why you wasting time on that? Of course you care and of course you are a Christian. You don't give a fuck because in reality you don't have nothing to live for nor do you know your purpose here. Your religion doesent satisfy you and doesent offer much except for a "salvation" which comes from the death of some one else. Even that is not appealing to the normal human being and people know that its a joke. So all you can do is be stuck on the "virgin women". Aren't there any virgin women here? no Christian girls for you to marry in your church?

You sound very borred and depressed that you have nothing else to say or think about. Sucks for you but I am always available to help another human being in need out. So if you like to talk serious with all bs aside, holla, if not, oh well then. Your boy Jumbo got a good name since he is real Jumbo behind the computer and you must be his wife or husband mumbo. Jumbo and Mumbo what a good couple as if born from the same tree. You say you don't care about religion, yet when your asshole friends posts his bullshit and prejudices, you are silent, yet when I respond, I need to "stick to my religion and leave others alone". Lool how Christian and I know you are very Christian because I know that type of behavior which is very Christian. I was a Christian for a long time and I still know and deal with all kinds of Christians every day. I been around them long enough to sense them when I see them. You are much easier to expose than the others.

But it's whatever dawg. Whatver you wanna do is cool with me. You wanna talk serious, I can do that and if you wanna bullshit like you and your boy Jumbo have been doing, I can play that game 2 to a certain extend. It's whatever, but I won't waste my time.


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