The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Now JUMBLAT the giant of CHRITENDOM and assyria

Now JUMBLAT the giant of CHRITENDOM and assyria
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Monday, December 3 2007, 0:43:32 (CET)
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JUMOBO, I know you are very brave and a giant in both Christendom and among your assyria(which is Christianity in reality). You always talk about the nightmare the the "Arabs" and "Muslims" brought to Mesopotamia and Egypt. You are obviously not aware that both the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Assyria had long disappeared by the time of the Arab migration and the lands had been occupied by foreigners long before. You further think that your little "assyria"(which is almost reaching it's 100 birth day, thanks to Britain) would be in existense if it had not been for the "Arabs" and "Muslims". I hate to piss in your cup but your "assyria" wouldn't be in existense today had it not been for the Muslims. The Roman church had declared you tough guys who lived in "fear" as "heretics" and you wouldn't have made it for no more than 2 centuries with them in the picture. It was the Muslims who brought security, stability and gave these Christian sects what they never had under others. So, if it were such a nightmare that they came, where would you have been without the rise of Islam and the coming of the seal of all prophets, Muhammad(saaws)? I know where you and your buddies would be by now.

All these various Christians and others survived, propsered and maintained their heritage, identity and everything else during all those years under Islam. I know that your genius twin brother Fred Aprim(the brave man among women and behind the computer) believs that the only reason Assyrians survived was because they took refuge in the mountains but that is a bunch of bullshit. The Christians on northern Iraq, Syria, Egypt and everywhere else survived and made it just fine withoud hiding in the mountains. The only success of the Nestorian church came during the Islamic era. The Nestorian missionaries would have never made it to east Asia without the Muslims paving the way. You owe a great deal to others but your nazi bigotry gets in the way. You talk of how bad things were and how people lived in fear but that only exists in your world and the world of the fools with your agendas. You think your "assyrian unity" will come from lies and propganda? never. Even if all of you were united, you couldn't achieve as much as am ant.

You are only good for blaming your screw ups on others, finding excuses and spreading lies. While others are advancing, you clowns burry yourselves along with your village priest mentalities and your fucked up churches who can't throw a picnic with another sect. No one has divided you people but yourselves with your stupid "denominations" and don't blame the Vatican or anyone else because it was you idiots who accepted their invented names. So, while you sit here behind a computer screen talking about Kurds and everyone else working against you ppl, all you can blame is yourselves and no one else. It's your filthy actions, your hatred, bigotry and screw ups that lead you to this condition that you are in. Your entire difficulty is driven from your religion which is your nationality in reality. The funny thing is that the Protestant denominations and others do not view you folks as "true Christians" but then again, you guys are convenient to walk all over by them and get to Iraq on top of your backs. they know that whenever they need some one to use they can use their product of less than a 100 years ago to achieve their agendas.


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