The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: A Special message to brother ASSYRIAN MUSLIM

Re: A Special message to brother ASSYRIAN MUSLIM
Posted by JUMBLAT (Guest) - Saturday, December 8 2007, 22:34:42 (CET)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Pancho wrote :

" Two thousand fucking years and THIS is the best you can show??? "


What you will expect from a man who is calling himself PANCHO?
If you think what I show is not important to you, but be assured it is very important to silence YOUR PROFESSOR for his lies and distortions , and that is enough.

In conclusion, so far in the last four or five years what you show us except hatred and backing up any one who make fun of our ASSYRIAN people, then your sculptures are about the ASSYRIANS that you refuse to honor them , to be honest I am speechless to say more , I hope YOU WILL RECOVER FROM YOUR AGONY !


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