The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: A Special message to brother ASSYRIAN MUSLIM

Re: A Special message to brother ASSYRIAN MUSLIM
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, December 8 2007, 23:34:02 (CET)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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JUMBLAT wrote:
>Pancho wrote :
>" Two thousand fucking years and THIS is the best you can show??? "
>REPLY >>>
>What you will expect from a man who is calling himself PANCHO?
>If you think what I show is not important to you, but be assured it is very important to silence YOUR PROFESSOR for his lies and distortions , and that is enough.

..those lines proved nothing at all...and it's ALL you have??? THIS is what you base your ditzy claim on? Not ONE more line???????????? Dr Joseph's works are taught and live on...the man is highly respected and your five lines are a joke...if Einstein appeared and said you weren't Assyrian you'd call him a fool and a jackass...and by the same token ANY jackass, with five lines, who said you WERE an Assyrian would become your it any wonder you're headed to the toilet and the Kurds got Nineveh?
>In conclusion, so far in the last four or five years what you show us except hatred and backing up any one who make fun of our ASSYRIAN people, a child who thinks he's hated whenever he can't have another cookie you people think whenever someone writes a real book or shows the massive flaws in what should be reasoning that they HATE you...grow up. Dr Joseph makes fun of nothing...YOU do! Your ridiculous proooves and five lines and 2 letters and one president make fools of you.

then your sculptures are about the ASSYRIANS that you refuse to honor them sculptures are of honorable Assyrians..the real ones of long long ago...not you Christian fundamentalists who think you're fooling anyone when you hide Jesus behind Ashur.

, to be honest I am speechless to say more , I hope YOU WILL RECOVER FROM YOUR AGONY !

....I thought I was having fun..what agony?

...Where are your two presidents and one letter..or three trips and one letter? you have at least ONE OTHER LINE that prooooooooves you are Assyrians?

Jesus...what a joke.


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