The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Another Favorite Asshole...

Re: Another Favorite Asshole...
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Sunday, September 6 2009, 9:25:15 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows Codename Longhorn - Mozilla
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Of course it's about the "devil" and "christ". The "nationalism" claim is just the cover up for their real ideas. They expose themselves when they talk and it becomes obvious. What is more silly is how they use the Bible in order to justify themselves by claiming that it predicts a "future Assyria" but does it really? Have they ever asked the Jews of their understanding of Isiaiah 19? Have they ever asked other Christians about their interpretation? the answer is No, they have not nor do they care. Not that I believe the Bible but it is still worth investigating what the real fuss is all about and I looked into it and try to learn what the reality behind these unclear verses are all about and it is only these nationalists who interpret them as indicating that they will have a future country.


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