The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Assyria and God part 3

Re: Assyria and God part 3
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Thursday, November 22 2007, 17:25:41 (CET)
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As I already clarified earlier, the Quran testifies that every nation/community or peoples received a prophet or messenger of their own. The hadiths further testify that there were some 120,000 prophets and messengers send to mankind. They came to their nation, tribe or people and try to teach the straight path and give guidance. As the Quran states" no one is punished or held accountable until the message has reached them and was made chrystal clear. Only after rejection of guidance, can anyone be held accountable. Now the Christian "born again" cultist tells me that "without the acceptance of the crucifixion of our lord and his ressurrection" there is no "salvation". So, in other words, a poor escimo in Alaska or some person on an Island who never heard of Jesus(pbuh) is shit out of luck, right? the cultists tells me "no, no it's not like that" well what is it then? does his blood only pay for salvation or is it else? now I put him in a position where he shoots himself in the foot. If he answers, "yes" "only the acceptance of Jesus on the cross" pays for salvation, then one should not and does not have to be good in ife.

If he answers "no" "one still has to be good" guess what? now he is in the same boat with the rest of humanity. You either obey God and try to be good, or pay the price. nack to the prophets and Assyria. Since every nation and people received their prophets and messengers, that includes the Assyrians and everyone else. Some folks received more than one because of the generations who followed became corrupt or were back sliders. For example, the Israelites received a chain of prophets because of their actions and Jesus(pbuh) was simply the last in their blood line. Nevertheless, that does not mean that other nations didnt receive their warners and receive guidance.

The title "Chosen People" which some like to misquote simply means they were chosen to "receive revelation". In other words, they were the first "nation" or "umma" as a whole to receive revelation, but now that don't mean they are better or favored against others who are good as well. In fact, the title only applies if they hold firm to their contract which they obviously didn't do by rejecting many prophets and rejecting the final Messiah send from within their own blood line. It was the minority of orthodox monotheistic Jews who accepted him and obeyed him while the majority of thew Hellenized Jews rejected him. Those who accepted him didn't convert to a new religion, but simply carried on the ttrue message and they managed to survive until they were eventually murdered by the Hellenizers and by those who now call themselves "Christians".

Just as the Jews or the Israelites had their time and history, others had theirs as well. All of the ancient kingdoms received their prophets and messengers. They all had the community of believers and those who rejected and disobeyed. The concept of God has always been there, it has always been known and it has always remained the same. There is only one God or Creator, he resembles nothing in his creation, he is unique, he is known to all nations by their own languages. For example, Jews Call him Elah, or Elohim, Syriacs call him Alaha, Arabs called him Allah, Persia called him Ahura Mazda, Assyrians called him Ashur and the list goes on. The path to piety or "salvation" has always been one and the same. Worship God alone without associating partners with him, and obey his teachings as were revealed in various nations.


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