Re: AssyrianMazloom Da Man. |
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- Wednesday, November 28 2007, 22:17:40 (CET) from - Network - Windows 2000 - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Muncho wrote: >"Hey Mancho, I know you said you are not religious but I know there are many people who may not be religious but they were still influenced during their childhood by their religion and its teachings. I know for us it's usually Christianity and for us who come from the west and are born and raised in the west, it is hard to not have been at one point influenced by Christianity." > >*** Why weren't YOU influenced then? too smart? Just have to be willing to put family tradition aside and the truth is plain but is not always easy to accept because of other agendas. I had to put it aside and I always knew that worshipping images was wrong. I didn't say everyone is influenced but I said "many" people that don't mean "all". > >" So Christianity, with all due respect to Christians, has done a great job of screwing things up in the minds of people." > >*** Howcome it didn't screw things up in YOUR mind? Is it because you're a "genius"? There is your Christian side talking again and your showing your hidden side. You make statements out of anger and emotions. >" I am talking about painting images oe a mental picture into a human's mind." > >***What images were painted into YOUR mind? Virgin images? is this what it's all about for you? Typically Christian again. Like I said, it is you people who struggle with that and not us. This has been in our book for 1,400 years and suddenly you people after running out of attacks, this is all you have come to lol. How lame you people are and jealous too. We focus on doing what is right in this life and the virgin women is not a difficulty for us nor something bad. It is you people who struggle with it. >" Now, ask most of the Christians, especially from the west, of what their image of God os, they'll most likely think of a huge guy with a beard," > >***You say that because you think that yourself... I blame your parents for letting you watch too many Cartoons. You apparently don't know very many people outside your little circle or you just playing dumb as you do with the "Assyrian Christian" thing. In your mind, it is only me and Pancho who claim that when in reality it is almost your entire fellow Christian assyrian population. Don't get mad because you can't distingush between ethnicity and faith. >" So what I am saying is that Christianity has created mental pictures into the minds of people and not only Christians but even some others too." > >***The Qur'an VALIDATES Jesus, Mary, Christianity (Ahlel Kitaab, remember) and all the prophets... (I can't believe how dumb you are... Do you read the Qur'an like you read your own posts?) Yes, where does the Quran say "worship" others? We do believe and follow Jesus(pbuh) and not only by lip service but by action and we believe in him the correct way. We don't worship Jesus(pbuh), his mother or anyone else, but the Creator who send him. So, it is you don't read the Quran. >"When we say "Jannah" or "Paradise", we are not talking about the same thing that Christians or even others believe or imagine. For us we know that this is a physical place just as this life was physical except that the hereafter is much greater and not very comparable to this life." > >*** That's nothing but a HEARSAY!................. GROW UP! That's your choice what you wish or choose to believe. >"So, yes just as there are enjoyable things in this life on this earth, there are far more in the hereafter and that is the whole reward for our labor that we have put in this life." > >*** How the hell do you know? Do you have a Video recording of that? pancho likes to see videos to believe things...... AssyrianMazloom, GROW UP! As I said, if you want to believe that we are born and we die without a purpose, that is your choice. >"Do you think that any of us will deserve such reward as that? of course not. None of us will have done enough good in this life to enjoy such great reward." > >*** LOOOL God you're good... Why are you wasting time then?........... AssrianMazloom, forget growing up, because you have no hope of ever growing up... I am not wastening my time except writing to you when you don't read. But that don't mean we don't try and strive. That is what God demands after all is that we try with sincerity, but he knows what we can do and can't for he created us and he knows how much we can handle and do. If he committing "errors" or "sin" was so evil, he wouldn't have created us this way but he would have made us like the angels who can't disobey or have "free choice". But he knew what he was creating, but he gave us choice and made us capable of making errors, but that don't mean we can't repent and try to live a righteous life. Look at our brother Pancho, for example, he said he don't follow any religion or faith, but as you can see he is still a good person, he helps people, he works hard and does not harm others. What is so bad about that? He may or may not be aware but everything he does and I have seen from him so far is considered forms of "worship" in Islam. "Worship" is a lot more than just praying, or fasting but it is almost everything we do. >" Just imagine, people in this life get fascinated when they buy a nice home or car, and sometimes totally forget that they will have to die one day." > >*** That's called HUMAN NATURE you, genius you... and guess who creacted human nature like that? I know that, but you're missing point. Yes those things are good and appealing and yes if one has them no problem, but we don't allow those things to dictate our lives nor do we build our lives around them. If we have them, that is good and if we don't we can still be in submission to the Creator. But know and remember that that is not everything and not forever. > "So if the pleasures of this life are so amazing and great, can anyone even imagine what the hereafter is like?" > >*** Only fools can, OBVIOUSLY! Your choice as I said. >"it is far better and is not for a short time with all the bad things on here." > >*** You been there ALREADY? or is it just some mental images someone stuffed your mind with? Tell me the truth... No of course not but it is from the Quran and Sunnah and I know that just as God created this earth and everything in it, he has created more as he says "ghaybi" or "unseen". >" So yes, there are great rewards and one will receive anything one desires in Jannah because that is the reward and that was the whole point of being good." > >*** Oh Really? Who told you? thanks for letting us know... I would have never thought about that... Geee, Thanks again AssyrianMazloom. You are funny lol. >"There wont be no more "wrong doing" or "sinning" therefore one can receive all one can imagine or desire. That includes a Mcdonalds plays house by the way lol." > >*** Really? And 40 year old Virgins too? WOW, I LIKE THAT... Why so old? but if you really do want that, yes that is possible and can have it, but we have to get there first and receive our judgement and get payed for our labors. >"No but seriously, I don't know why so many Christians are so shocked or find it so horrific to hear about the pleasures of Paradise." > >*** Never seen any SHOCKED Christians yet... There all over, but if you're not then you can exclude yourself. >"We Muslims are happy just knowing that God is merciful and that he'll even grant us Jannah and everything else can come from there." > >Really? How do you "know"? Has God given you a signed contract? Just take a look around to see his mercy and it's all over. >"That is not what comes to our mind and don't let CNN or the other propgandist fool you" > >*** As a matter of fact, I don't watch CNN or FOX... I watch Aljazeera ;-) I don't like Al Jazeera either but that's good that you don't watch CNN. It has many people like some in my family brainwashed. >" because I been a Muslim for almost 3 years now and the "women" of Paradise" is not a big deal to me or the reason for being good," > >*** Well, the 40 year Virgins are a big deal for me... lol, how old are you if you don't mind me asking? >"but it is the whole principal of receiving mercy and obviously being granted Jannah period. But, if I go out and commit all the bad things outhere, of course, I don't deserve even to taste Jannah since I was pleased with this temp pleasure and didn't behave myself and do as I was supposed to. So for us "Jannah" is not like the Heaven that others think of or try to teach. As my brother Pancho always says, and I love it by the way, "a white clowd" where we'll live forever. That is not our Jannah but that of Christianity. We believe in a physical place just as this life was, we believe in a day where we will be raised to life again and will be questioned and judged." > >*** What goes around, comes around... That's called Nature...What does that have to do with God? Hasn't anyone put that image in your head? Don't get your point. >"Now we can talk about the "devil" which the Christian born again pastors like to blame when they just got done screwing a prostitute," > >*** They do that because they are "geniuses" like you... lol thanks for calling me a genius but I know I am not. >"killing their wife and burrying her in the back yard for insurance money," > >*** OMG, that is so true... I never heard of a Muslim killing his wife and daughter for NOTHING. It was just an "honor" killing, I guess... And that is a BIG deal, isn't it? They don't blame the devil, and "honor" killing has no place in Islam but it is tribal or ethnic tradition. Islam does not permitt such thing and that is not justified, but those Muslims don't know Islam very well either. Those are the same people who don't allow their daughters to marry outside their ethnic group which goes against Islam. But the case with a pastor is totally differen't and remember that we don't claim to have God inside us(holy ghost). >" or getting engaged in homosexuality and other things. We do not believe in a "devil" like the one that Christianity has painted for centuries now where some creature in a redish looking shape with horns, sharp teeth, a long tail, and a spere in the hand. I am sorry but if that is the "devil" or as we call him by his proper name "Iblis", we would all run and no one would fall for him." > >*** You really should stop watching too many cartoons... Believe it or not this may be funny and it is but that image is in the mind of many grown people, but not me the genius, lol jk. I haven't watched cartoons in a long time and that is not where I seen that at. Anyways, it was nice chattin to you but you don't have to hide behind not being religious and I never said I am better or "saved". That is not our teaching and no Muslim will say I am "saved" but that is the born again fellow friends of yours who believe that and not us. Our salvation is not due to "Label" or accepting something but it is a thing for life. There is a path of "righteousness" but no one is "saved" as they think, and that is another common attack by Christian missionaries against Islam. They get mad because we refuse to say we are "saved" or going to "paradise". That was the problem with your question regarding the "women of paradise" as well. I never struggle answering that but when you or any of you ask me "after you die will get get your women", I can not and will never say "yes" because I don't know what my status or what judgement I receive after this life. First we gotta get our judgement first and then we know for sure. So there is no problem but it's the way the question is posed. If one asks, will there be "women in paradise " the answer will be yes and there will be much more than that. Take care and have a good day, insha Allah. --------------------- |
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