Re: AssyrianMazloom for Noble price... |
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- Friday, November 30 2007, 9:15:04 (CET) from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
*** Really? And 40 year old Virgins too? WOW, I LIKE THAT... "Why so old? but if you really do want that, yes that is possible and can have it, but we have to get there first and receive our judgement and get payed for our labors. *** Why that old? I just LOVE middle age women :-)) They kick azzz... Also, you say it's possible and I could have them? okay... if you don't want yours when you get there, would you give them to me? (I'm kinda very energetic, you know!)...Don't give them to pacnho... All he's gonna do with them is tell them how he SMASHED his sculpture, and how Assyrians are not Assyrians, and muslims are all SAINTS...He is very boring, you know...So please, give them to me and save them from dying of boredom... *** Well, the 40 year Virgins are a big deal for me... "lol, how old are you if you don't mind me asking?" ***Me? 23 year old firing STUD ;-)) *** What goes around, comes around... That's called Nature...What does that have to do with God? Hasn't anyone put that image in your head? "Don't get your point. " *** Yet, you expect to understand the Qur'an?... Funny! *** OMG, that is so true... I never heard of a Muslim killing his wife and daughter for NOTHING. It was just an "honor" killing, I guess... And that is a BIG deal, isn't it? "They don't blame the devil, and "honor" killing has no place in Islam but it is tribal or ethnic tradition. Islam does not permitt such thing and that is not justified," ***You are just another ignorant person who blames Christianity if he sees a bad christian, but blames other things and not Islam when he sees a bad muslim... Your attitude is no different from the ignorant christians... Here is something from the QUR'AN for you... I hope you WILL get the POINT... [Men are overseers over women because Allah has given the one more strength than the other, and because men are required to spend their wealth for the maintenance of women. Honorable women are, therefore, devoutly obedient and guard in the husband’s absence what Allah requires them to guard their husband’s property and their own honor. As to those women from whom you fear disobedience, first admonish them, then refuse to share your bed with them, and then, if necessary, beat them.] *** BEAT THEM? With WHat? and HOW MUCH? "but those Muslims don't know Islam very well either." ***And those bad christians "know" Christianity?... See what I mean when I say you're a genius? You have to believe me when I say it... "Those are the same people who don't allow their daughters to marry outside their ethnic group which goes against Islam. But the case with a pastor is totally differen't and remember that we don't claim to have God inside us(holy ghost)." *** What is Holy Ghost? Do you know? You can ask pancho on this one... "but you don't have to hide behind not being religious" ***What in the world makes you think I am religious?...You judge me just like you judge others... You are learning some stupid things from pancho... Not good for you... Besides, Can you tell me what "Religious" means? You can ask pansho to help you explain what that is too...(Watch yourselves skipping this one... OH, I forgot! pancho doesn't answer questions, because I dont...) " I can not and will never say "yes" because I don't know what my status or what judgement I receive after this life." *** So all you got from your belief so far is DOUBT about yourself... GENIUS! "First we gotta get our judgement first and then we know for sure." ***And when will you know? After you DIE?..........(((((((((((((((((( GENIUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! )))))))))))))))))))) "So there is no problem but it's the way the question is posed. If one asks, will there be "women in paradise " the answer will be yes and there will be much more than that." *** I didn't ask about "women". I asked about 40 year old VIRGINS... will there be some, or not? --------------------- |
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