The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Avoiding the Virgin Party

Re: Avoiding the Virgin Party
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Tuesday, November 27 2007, 0:42:41 (CET)
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First gotta get to Jannah and it is God who determines if I deserve Jannah. I don't know where you have gotten 7 from but that is part of the reward in Jannah for those abstained from adultery, fornification etc, simple as that. So what is your point? or your problem with that? is that so horrible or evil to receive good thinks in the hereafter as a rewards for living a pious life and striving to live in submission to the Creator? I don't think so and as I said before there is no human on earth who will or has done enough in this life to even deserve Jannah and you worried about the "women of paradise"? It seems like Christians have such big issue with that and I don't get it.


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