The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Chaplin and son in "A King in New York"

Re: Chaplin and son in "A King in New York"
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Friday, September 25 2015, 20:32:36 (UTC)
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...if we expanded the franchise to include those now excluded...if we made voting easy and comfortable, like by mail, or computer or telephone and also by many voting stations...if we got private money out of politics and had us, the people, pay for campaigns and gave politicians free access to our airwaves, which belong to the people....they could still lie and spin and bullshit, but they wouldn't have unlimited funds to do so and get rid of gerrymandering and anything which stinks of that atmosphere I think we can hope to see the masses vote about as intelligently as humans ever will.

If neo-cons really hate anarchism and communism, even socialism, let them get off our necks and there won't be the need for any of them.....rebellions and revolutions against the ruling class happen because of what the ruling class does to the rest of us, not because we suddenly want to go on strike, or attack the police...but because we're driven to desperation...the only trouble is that between the time when the oppression starts to become outrageous until the time we can take no more, fortunes are made....and that makes it a worthwhile tactic for the rich to PAYS to oppress...and since we also wind up paying for the damages and the rebuilding, what have the rich to lose? Well, there was that thing in France in the 1700s but that was rare...and the same people took back power afterwards and are in power still.


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