The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Christian Honor Killings

Re: Christian Honor Killings
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Monday, February 6 2012, 5:33:20 (UTC)
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I had a similar conversation with my mom last night. She watches nancy grace on cnn and she always covers these stories with parents, neighbors or whatever murder a child. My mom gets sad nd calls for the death penalty and asks who could do that. I tell her how the religion of these white people is never mentions and they are christians. She is fair enough to admit that muslims don't do these things but she knows as well as we all do that islam is always mentioned whenever someone does anything. Doesn't matter if the person is really a muslim or not as long he comes from that culture. There is a clear double standard here and even "fair" people don't see that. Sam Harris talks about how scary those muslims are but does he not find America to be dangerous and scary. Let him go to Baltimore, Detroit, DC, Cincinnati, etc. Those places are scary and dangerous and nothing to do with Islam.

There are dangerous places throughout Latin America, US, etc and they are not even Muslim. One can point to how dangerous and unstable Iraq is but it only became so in recent years. Nobody feared going to downtown Baghdad because of criminals, murderers, etc. I work with White people who are scared to go to downtowns of their nearest cities because of crimes, robberies and danger. Why isn't the religion of those people ever mentioned? And these places are dangerous because of christians. American prisons are filled with christians, yet their religion is never mentioned or blames for why they committed their crimes. They say christianity didn't tell them to do it, sure, but it also didn't help them or stop them from being criminals.

It's like they expect islam to be guilty while christians are not, and this is prejudice and unfair. It's also not even true. Christians have been far more violent and murderous than Muslims and it could be because christians have a savior who is responsible for their crimes whereas muslims don't have that and believe a person is responsible for his own crimes. The bible is far more violent than the quran with its handful of combat verses which deal with the wars which muhammad and his followers were involved in. Christians don't even know their own history in spite of claiming to be experts on islam. This is why they are cowards and it's hard to respect them.


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