The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Fascinating...

Re: Fascinating...
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Friday, December 7 2007, 0:46:13 (CET)
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pancho wrote:
>First let me thank you for your kind words. But more than that I so appreciate the trap you unwittingly laid for MumboJumbo to reveal themselves some more. One of the reasons these religio-nationalists will never get anywhere but downhill, and never have, is their bitter envy. When a meeting is to be held somewhere and one leader is invited, twelve others show up on the steps and start a fight about why THEYweren’t invited…that THEY are leaders too etc. This actually happened some years back with the result that none of them were allowed into the meeting…the reason being that if they behave like this outside, before the meeting even starts to discuss real concerns…what will they do inside?

You don't have to thank me brother and I wish I had been aware of this web site longer. I remember when I use to browse through the various forums and always see this name "pancho". I didn't post but I use to read and see how this person was always kicking their asses. So I enjoyed reading them and always agreed with what you would say to them. Then I took a break from assyrians and didn't go any of their websites until I heard from my friend about this and she just said it was runned by Fred Parhad and I took it from there. But I should thank you for allowing such freedom on this forum and serving the real Assyria and not the church of the east clowns. As for the meeting a few years back, wasn't it during Clinton's term? He had invited some Assyrians to the white house and right away they feud started between the giants of Christendom and Assyria. It was the cock sucker John Nimrood, Sargon Dadeesho and a few other clowns. Clinton asked them who was the leader and right away they began arguing in front of him. Clinton laughed at them.

>Not a one of them can bear to hear another one praised…They feel they are being insulted in the process…like the good words used to describe someone else’s achievements are being ripped from their face or taken from the stock that could have gone to them and now there are no more words left…that if another is lifted up it can only come at the expense of another being driven down.

Exactly, remember when Yonadam Kanna got his 2 minutes on FOX News while most people are at work during the day? Dadeesho went nuts and began bashing him and saying "who told him he was the king of Assyrians in North Iraq". Are these the people who want the Chaldeans to become Assyrians and accept them as their leaders? if these are the kings, got bless their kingdom, lol. Do they actually think they are doing something, wow.

>In a foot race of many people the Christian assyrian would rather trip up his fellow Christian if he ran ahead of the pack and might come in first, than allow a brother to win the prize. There is a murderous, self-defeating envy and jealousy that grips them and promises to keep them at the very bottom…as it has.

They were doing just that when the Muslims came in the 7th century. The Christians have never had friendly relations with one another and the various Syriac speaking sects are worse.

>Look at their reaction to Dr Joseph. The man is clearly at the top of his field..not alone but certainly an equal among the rest. His achievements speak for themselves…yet, because he’s one of us, MumboJumbo feel his elevation comes at their expense…THEY should be the ones consulted by the State Department…THEY should have had a building named after them…THEY should have been given a Ph.D from Princeton which, because it gave one to Dr Joseph, is now a “stupid university”, one they wouldn’t have gone to if you PAID them…and, since Dr Joseph tells the world exactly where these punks came from, they revile him all the more and feel justified, even glorious.

Exactly, they should be proud of him being from the same background and earning a degree and achieving what he has, yet Jumbo calls him a "zionist" lol. who is a bigger zionist than the racist Christians? Real Jews hate the zionists and it is Christians who actually support it and finance zionism.

>Such a “nation” as they like to call themselves, is doomed….it’s headed into the toilet…it can’t possibly prosper because it enthrones mediocrity…it reveres the easily attainable…because only if the lowest standards are maintained can an Aprim pose as a “historian”…or Malek-Yonan as an “author”. Only in an Assyria swirling down the drain can MumboJumbo hold their own…and, in Mumbo’s case apparently, he can’t get anyone else to hold his own for him…for no sooner did this post appear than he was BACK with his virgins!

Yeah, unfortunately, these clowns have made their lives into painting a negative image of the Christians in Iraq always suffering and living in fear. But tell me something, if a people are living in fear, and non stop persecuted/oppressed, how come theh shake their 400 pound asses in parties, throw all kinds of parties even in Baghdad I seen it with my own eyes? Where is this fear or oppression that Jumbo talks about? I never seen it and I still have friends and people in Baghdad. They are no worse than any other Iraqis.

>And Jumbo…at the sight of this same post by AssyrianMuslim, brings us word that HE has a letter from a PRESIDENT and took two, count them; TWO TRIPS!. He’s careful not to show it, not even to mention WHICH president it’s from…but he just had to mention it…because any time praise is extended in their Assyria, it rankles them and makes them boil over with envy. It never crosses their minds to DO something…to work hard and get that degree…or struggle to learn a skill, or develop a raw talent…it’s far easier to tear down the one who’s done these things, to smear him and slander him, or her, and bring him down to their level…where true Assyria is, meaning the gutter where they dwell.
>To understand where this Assyria is headed and where its been, you only have to watch MumboJumbo undressing, right here in front of us. I can’t believe our luck. Have they no friends who could warn them? When I was banned from every forum because of exactly this kind of thing, because in trying to answer me people were exposing way too much of themselves and Assyria…I never dreamed anyone would come over here, where there is no banning and proceed to get the living daylights pounded out of them…for FREE. And for the most part they stayed away…they all read here but few have had the guts, if that’s what it is, to actually expose themselves.

I know what you mean by that. The other web sites would ban us in a second. They'll allow foul language, insults anything but when some one talks sense or can't be refuted by them, they just ban that person. I know very well what you are saying because it happened to a friend of mine who is also an Assyrian who happens to be Muslim. They did the same to him for simple being able to stay on his feet while they were ganging up on him with attacks and insults.

>I think we owe that to AssyrianMuslim. I think his willingness to step forward and lay his heart and mind bear was just too much for them. What he was saying HAD to be challenged…and even though we see they can’t do it intellectually, or even factually, still they could insult him, humiliate him…do that one tried and true thing they all do, “bring you down to their level”. To his credit he’s managed to remain above them, way above them. Though he’s only human and took a few swipes at them…but they more than asked for it…besides, no one’s perfect.

They behave nasty and throw insults at others and when the person barely defends him self they say "see". I did that on purpose brother. I started using harsher speech and foul language to see their reaction. As you say, we are only humans so who says we can't defend ourself but we don't behave as they do.

>So, I want to thank AssyrianMuslim, your presence here and your humane and knowledge able responses to these two have immeasurably helped us all. There is no need to be the “enemy” of these kinds of people. All you have to do is stand aside and watch them self-destruct. Of course a little push now and then is okay.

No need to mention it brother, but as you are saying, they hang themselves when given rope. Look at this Mumbo guy or whatever he is. H pretends to be not a Christian in order to be taken more serious. I mean honrstly does he think we that stupid. Can't we see the reaction when we respond to Jumbos Christian bigotry and prejudices? Has he ever rebuked Jumbo for making insults? when I confronted him about that, "it's a free country he replied" ok damn right and I will do the same and speak as I like. But he knows he is bluffing himself with that bullshit he tries to pull. We know he is Christian and there is no need to deny it unless he is really that embarrassed of it. He accuses me of putting down Christianity at the expense of Islam and where did I do that. I wrote a post making clear that Christianity did not bring "love" "mercy" "God" and everything else to mankind and to Assyrians but it always existed, so this clown couldn't handle it like his boy Jumblat.

I tried from the beginning not to turn this into a religious debate or whatever and this JUMBO tells us "Christianity is the best" and Christian nations are "civilized" and when I refute his bogus claims, his girl friend Mumbo jumps in. If Mumbo is not Christian, why he gets mad or defends it. Ig he don't give a "uck about religion" why he defending it even when there was nothing bad spoken about it? These boys always manage to reveal themselves yet they want to untite and fight all the Arabs lol. We should be worried I guess?


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