The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Found a good "Muslim"

Re: Found a good "Muslim"
Posted by rico suave (Guest) - Thursday, September 17 2009, 4:07:53 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows Codename Longhorn - Mozilla
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Do you really believe your own propaganda?

So all the talk about Christians being kuffar, the bombing of their churches, the orders that they pay jizya or be killed (really, what century are we in? Jizya is discriminatory barbarism--if Christians were considered equal by your radical Muslim brothers, they would not be threatened with death and kidnapping for not paying Jizya.

You and your likes won't be happy until the last Iraqi Christian is gone from the country, and then you'll wonder where they went.

Islam was not born in blood? What Islam are you talking about? Islam's own prophet ordered killing in order to spread the religion! Christianity is no better, but really, check yourself, because you're another victim of brainwashing by organized religion. You are an ABSURD person. Yes, a propagandist.

Asssssalam 3alaykum.



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