The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: I had a friend who indignantly...

Re: I had a friend who indignantly...
Posted by Marcello (Guest) - Sunday, June 9 2013, 21:07:26 (UTC)
from - Network - Windows XP - Safari
Website title: Redirect

".but to these guys you get a country by moving to the other side of the earth and wailing and weeping and whining and telling everyone how POWERFUL you are...."

-- Do Assyrians have anything similar to ASALA, the Armenian commando (terrorist?) group who assassinated Turkish diplomats and used Eastern Communist countries as a cover? One of their heroes, the American born Monte "AVO" Melkonian, was involved in the Iranian revolution just months after arriving in Tehran to teach English.

Then he joined the Qurds, and through Qurdistan, he and other ASALA members formed militias which fought against the Maronite fascist Phalange in protecting Armenian neighborhoods during the civil war in Lebanon.

Where are the 1,0000 Assyrians that one guy was talking about recruiting, training, inculcating with history, ideology, discussions regarding Mao's peasant "fish and water" theory, over Che's, "frog in the pond" theory. Remember that guy? There was nothing going on then. No Assyrian or Chaldean in Iraq, as far what was in the papers, was safe and living his or her life. Syria... shit! Iraqis were living in Damascus and not planning on leaving, especially going back home? What home? Home for whom? Multinational companies siphoning the oil money into their offshore accounts and paying-off the Iraqi leading comprador class (the class that takes blood money and as Parenti demonstrates, say : "come on in boys.... take all that you want... just take care of me, my brother Ali, and my cousin Hassan. Or, take care of me, my brother Pedro, and my friend, Miguel... "


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