The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: I wonder where Tack could be?

Re: I wonder where Tack could be?
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Saturday, November 16 2013, 1:37:12 (UTC)
from *** - *** - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title: are far more forbearing than I. I used to feel more as you do till after 30 years I began to see a pattern wherein assyrians, usually the least educated and worst kind, regularly aimed below the belt, even attacking dead parents and young children...they get no more sympathy from me....they used to think that the best way to get rid of anyone who disagreed with them was to insult mothers and wives...I turned the tables on them...Fred Aprim was the worst offender in this...but he ran fast, left the entire forum scene as well as the country for a year when I let it be known that he and I were caught fucking each other in the men's room at the Greyhound bus depot in San Jose. As I say, he was gone for more than a year...said something about not being other words, when I used his tactic on him, he fled...THAT'S what he didn't appreciate...

Taco has no interest in having any dialogue or learning anything...he is a propagandist and a bad one at that.


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