The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: If Arabs Are All You Say...

Re: If Arabs Are All You Say...
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Friday, November 30 2007, 1:03:56 (CET)
from - Network - Windows 2000 - Internet Explorer
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pancho wrote:
>...surely you can find ONE incident in which they behaved towards us Christians the way one would expect from your bloody description of them. It looks bad that you can't find one.....while I can show you quotes, from real history, which show that our people helped the Arabs and saw them as their liberators from Christian oppression...I've placed the quote here before but will bring it....again. You see, I don't mind making a good point over and over and over...for one thing, new readers come all the time and it's good to repeat for their sakes...which makes me wonder why you don't also repeat the posts which you claim proved your point already.....and since we see you repeating certain things, things which are merely your opinion and to which no one has to pay any mind, over and over and over...why won't you repeat what you claim are FACTS...just one more time?
>It looks bad...but then, how could it be otherwise, since you are lying?

Their "Assyria" = "Christianity" and the "Arabs" = "Islam". It's not Assyrian vs Arab but it is Christian against Muslim. They pretend to be doing a favor for the ancient Assyria but in reality their entire hate and dislime for Muslims and Arabs is based on their religion. If they were of another religion they wouldn't give a fuck, but they hide behind the "Assyrian" name and make it look as if they are an ethnic community. They have no problem with being mixed up or labeled as Greeks, Italians, Armenians and others but have a heart attack if they are labeled as Arabs. We know what their "Assyrianism" is in reality and we know that they are nothing more than a group of angry Christians just like the kkk, nazis and other Christians groups. Who the hell are they to dictate that becoming a Muslim disqualifies him from remaining Assyrian but being Christian is no problem. There are many Assyrians in the west now who have joined the Jehova Witness and other cults, but if one becomes Muslim it is a problem. They are not deceiving anyone but themselves.


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