The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: It's Freddy again

Re: It's Freddy again
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Tuesday, January 24 2012, 16:59:00 (UTC)
from *** - *** Commercial - Windows XP - Mozilla
Website title:

"On the other hand, tons of archaeological artifacts, monuments, stele,
Cuneiform tablets in the British, Louvre, Berlin, and Iraq's museums, including numerous excavated ancient sites, prove fervently and beyond any reasonable doubt the Assyrian heritage of northern Iraq (Assyria)."

Fascinating how his mind works...and he can't see it. Aprim says people deny "Assyrian history" when all they are denying is that HE has any exclusive connection to that history. If I say, "Aprim is not Assyrian and has no proof that he is", he takes that to mean, "there is no proof Assyrians EXISTED". No, no Fred...YOU (as an Assyrian) never existed.

No one has denied the existence of the ancient one. What no sane person accepts is that Aprim is one of them...just because Assyrian artifacts were discovered UNDER a village where Nestorians lived, is not proof that those villagers are descended from the people burired under them 3000 years ago.

The Qurds have as much right to claim "descent" as Nestorians and anyone else who's been in Iraq for more than 400 years. Look at any modern map of the MidEast....there you see the region marked "Qurdistan"....there is no "Assyria" on that same map.


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