The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Jeffy relates to a sick dog too...

Re: Jeffy relates to a sick dog too...
Posted by Jeffrey (Guest) - Sunday, November 25 2007, 22:36:30 (CET)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Mozilla
Website title:

Muncho wrote:
>Jeff ery

*** Why are you afraid to share your real name? By the way, my name is Jeffrey, with an rey attached to the Jeff, dumb ass.

>You too must feel important about yourself to think that people give a damn about you taking them seriously or not...

*** Obviously you care, lest you would have not responded with such emotion.

>You need to take a nose ensmalling pill...

*** I have a regal nose which matches the rest of my body. Your nose, like your personality, are invisible. Obviously you are uncomfortable with yourself, which is why you are anony-mouse. Big and tough, yet anonymous.

>Stick your nose where it matters to you and your unononymous ego...

*** ??? What the hell does that mean?

>Also, get a life and stay out of peoples business...

*** You are an odd duckling. And probably an ugly ducking to boot, hence your anonymity.


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