The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Jumblat On 60 Minutes

Re: Jumblat On 60 Minutes
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, December 8 2007, 23:39:53 (CET)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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JUMBLAT wrote:
>Pancho wrote :
>"leaving a stunned world to conclude that HE, Beth-Shlimon is its SAVIOR!
>Lord, Lord…where are you? "
>REPLY >>>
>Mr. Beth Shlimon NEVER CLAIMED to be our ASSYRIAN nation savior, if he did, THEN bring it up or SHUT UP !

...nyah nyah nyah...if he, meaning you, seriously think you're Assyrian then you're doing the cause more damage than you know.

>One thing is certain that BETH-SHLIMON is not a TRAITOR as your Professor who trying to label us NESTORIANS

..because you are...says so right there on those churches...and it was addmitted to by our own people for ages before they realized from Euros that it was a heretical designation.

, while you know well that NESTRIANISM is not ethnicity and never been

..and you never been assyrians and never are Christians of whatever country you were born more and no less.

, and then if you think the British gave the NESTORIANS the ASSYRIAN name- let me agree with you on that - BUT what about those Jacobites and Chaldaean rites who are considering themselves ASSYRIANS ?

..that's even more recent than 100 years maybe 10...and not all of them agree anyway...Suryoyo are still what they were. No one is saying you can't CONSIDER yourself whatever you want...but no one takes it SERIOUSLY.

I know you can't answer such question , BUT I think you could ask your genius PROFESSOR to see how MUCH genius he is !!!'s all in his book and he has no interest in reviewing old news over and over again...he fought the good fight...and he's earned his rest...others will spread his good message before you make complete fools of us.
>Then what LORD you are pleading ?

...anyone who can get you on 60minutes..out in the open...tell you what...why don't you and ME have a public THAT by your Jesus!


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