The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Jumblat Will Be Banned soon...

Re: Jumblat Will Be Banned soon...
Posted by Jeffrey (Guest) - Tuesday, November 27 2007, 7:42:59 (CET)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Mozilla
Website title:

... I never thought I'd see the day.

That's it. I give up. The Assyrians have made Farid one of them!

pancho wrote:
>...if he doesn't provide evidence that Muslims killed us just for our religion or because we are "assyrian". I've given him every opportunity to make a fool of me in this regard. The dearest bit of propaganda to our people is the tale of Muslim "cruelty"..of their murdering us and forcibly converting us.
>...I know it's a bit odd and unChristian for me to be insisting someone shoot my argument all to hell...but that's the way it is.
>Jumblat...if you don't prove me a liar and fool and an asshole for calling these beliefs a pack of lies, you leave me no choice but to ban you from'l be the first person to be banned, so think carefully.
>No apology will do...and there aren't enough swearwords you can use against me or names you can call my mother and father...even my children that will save you. Nothing will save you from being banned except the proof that I am a lying motherfucker where this topic is concerned...kay?


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