The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Jumblat and Bet Shlimon?

Re: Jumblat and Bet Shlimon?
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Wednesday, November 28 2007, 4:54:58 (CET)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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AssyrianMuslim wrote:
>Is that the same person?

...undoubtedly...he used to call himself "The Assyrian Volcano" once...but he couldn't even get that right.

And Mumbo is Christian. He thinks to sidestep the issue by Peter before him. By claiming to be non-religious he thinks adds meaning to his statement that all religions are alike. They aren't, of course...and he didn't like the truth being told about his he denied it.

All religions are alike like all cheeses are alike because they all start with milk...but that's not very perceptive or complex...interesting or enlightening...but he thought his slanders would seem "unbiased" if he denied his religion. The trouble with these sorts is that they measure other people by their own severe limitations and think other's are so easily fooled.

We were all raised with these common childhood myths, the trouble is that MumboJumbo, Aprim and the rest went on believing them uncritically. It was easier that way....didin't offend their parents or community of priests...and it was such an easy way to be "great". Cannibals taught their children the same way...and if it had been up to Mumbos we'd still be eating our cousins raw. These people question can see by the state of arrested-development they are in...with their childish humor and "wit" that they're dedicated to remaining childish...but Great. Still...they are a good sampling of their class and as such perform an invaluable couldn't pay anyone to be so accomodating. Treat them with care so they stay right here.

He's a Christian....born-again at that.


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