The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: O God protect us from these Nationalists, ISLAMISTS ,

Re: O God protect us from these Nationalists, ISLAMISTS ,
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Thursday, November 29 2007, 18:11:03 (CET)
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You don't seem to want to get the point. "Arabism" is not the same as "Islamic" because it has a totally different culture, tradition, and idealogy. A person who practices Islam can never be a nationalist, not the way you boys mean it. The baath party is not Islamic. Islamic ideaology does not allow people to fight for nationalism, pride or any other form of racism. If they were such Muslims as you claim, they wouldn't be fighting for Arabism or nationalism, but they be pushing for sharia and the only flag they would carry is the flag of the shahada "La ilaha il Allah". This just shows your screwed up understanding and how little in reality you know. You think that "Arabism" and "Islam" is the same, but there is nothing in common. Muslims don't drink, belly dance, behave the way that the Arabs behave. As I said Arab nationalist are not driven nor do they follow Islam. Any nation which calls itself Muslim yet does not judge by the rule of Allah(swt) is not an Islamic nation. Unless there is an Islamic government, one that is based on Islamic sharia, such government and nation is not Islamic but secular.

Nationalism has no place in Islam. Under Islamic sharia any person who migrates to that state, is automatically a citizen and entitled to rights regardless of ethnic, religious, or tribal background. That is not the case with what we see with these Arab nationalists. They are far from Islamic and they have a long way to to go and you have a lot of learning to do. You have serious problems if you can't distinguish between some one who is a nationalist and some one who lives according to Islam. Those scum bags that you refer to as Muslims wouldn't last a second and they are kafirs based on Islam. There is no secularism or nationalism in Islam. So as I said you and that so called Libyan of yours are confused. I guess you believe that Mubarak, Saudi king, and all the other presidents and leaders of those Arab nations are Islamic but you guys are fools. Your hatred for Islam and your jealousy has obviously blinded you into believing that these nationalists are Islamic. What a joke lol, wow only assyrians will make such statements.


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