The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: O God protect us from these Nationalists, ISLAMISTS ,

Re: O God protect us from these Nationalists, ISLAMISTS ,
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Thursday, November 29 2007, 20:42:20 (CET)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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..the entire history of BetNahrain is one of desert people conquering the settled cities and blending their vigor and youthful vitality with the refined and cultured arts of those they conquer...we praise and claim Sargon the Great...who came from the desert to unite the Sumerians he conquered into a single strong force which could then advance even farther with the blending of the resulting population....centuries later we revere the desert dwelling Amorites who came to conquer and share and grow with the people of the us and the world the great king Hammurabi.

Centuries later another group of people came from the desert, like Sargon and Hammurabi before them...bringing their energy and religion and skills to conquer and then utilize what they found...going on to create yet another great civilzation with its own religion and language and customs etc. This great Islamic Empire, centered during its golden age in Baghdad, spread its influence all the way to Spain and Europe..and even beyond to the New World where the Spaniards, having mixed with Muslims for 700 years, took it.

This is a glorious and continuous saga..hardly paralleled anywhere in history...and yet you Christian punks, while accepting Sargon and Hammurabi, discredit Muhammad, whose followers came from a desert too...and mixed and blended with what existed there already...and all of it because Muhammad was Muslim..., not Christian..and his religion took precedence over yours...which, for all you brag, never did much on its own and would have been helpless against the Christian Romans.

Muhammad and the Arabs were no different from Sargon and his Akkadians, or from Hammurabi and his Amorites...except for one thing: Islam. All your anger and hatred and even stupidity revoles around your envy of Islam...and has nothinbg at all to do with "assyrianism".


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