Re: O God protect us from these Nationalists, ISLAMISTS , |
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- Friday, November 30 2007, 0:20:48 (CET) from - Network - Windows 2000 - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
My brother Pancho you are absolutely right and believe me when I say this; if the Muhammad(pbuh) and all the Arabs were Christian, our assyrians wouldn't have a problem with them. If they were Christian and followed the foot steps of the crusaders, the Romans and other Christian militias which killed and murdered anyone for refusing conversion, they wouldn't have a problem with it at all. Think of it this way. They don't have a problem with American soldiers raping and committing cromies and murders in Iraq, yet want the whole world's attention whenever one Chrristian dies in Iraq among the thousands of Arabs killed. They talk about "stop persecuting Christians in IRAQ" and I am asking who the world is persecuting who? Out of the approximately 700,000 dead Iraqis in the last 4 years, less than 3% were Christians and believe me non were related to Fred Aprim or Jumblat. So who is really the one suffering here? while they decided to make their home in the west a long time ago, they want to fuck everything up for the Iraqi people who cherish their land. Assyrians didn't become refugees in Syria and Jordan due to being Christians but it was due to the war which was led by the Christians. Assyrians never suffered any wrong doing in Iraq and I know this for a fact. Any Assyrian that was executed by the Iraqi government was guilty of a crime and not killed because of his religion. Christians had the same oppurtunities in Iraq as anyone else had regardless. I know Assyrians who were born and raised in Baghdad and spoke fluently syriac, had Assyrian names and had good lives. So these little "discrimmination" myths of Aprim and Dadeesho, who bought his college degree, only exist in their minds. They want to claim that the millions of Christians of Iraq sufferred as the Jews did in the ghettos or the African Americans in their ghettos today. Assyrians don't know what it is to struggle or to suffere because they really never have experienced that kind of injustice. What they experienced is what anyone else would experience if he/she committed crimes against the government, state or country. So, their entire problem is just fueld by their religion. They don't care about ethnicity as they want to fool peopple with. The "Assyrian" name is convenient for their political agendas so,therefore, they try to fool people with "Assyrian" so that way they can hopefully establish their own Christian state. It's not Assyria vs Islam or Assyrian vs Arab, but it is Christianity vs Islam and Christian against Muslim. They see Islam as their big threat and whenever an Assyrian embraced Islam, they created a myth that he was either "forced" "insane" "marriage" or "political" reasons. They are ashamed and too arrogant to admit that just as they became Christian, many others became Muslims and are still doing so. No one forced me, I never lived or knew any Muslims but I embraced it by choice. So, of course they want to make sure that every Assyrian is Christian and keep up the hate toward Muslims. If they admit that there are Assyrisans of other faiths, their dream of having a Christiandia in the middle east disolves instantly. But there is records and proof that that Assyrians did not all choose Christianity by choice and had the Catholcs got a hold of their asses, the popes would have been eating their dinner while watching them get tortured to death. Assyrians were not hurt or damaged by the rise of Islam but rather freed and liberated. Assyria fell in 612 bce, and it down hill after the coming of Christianity(the paganized Jewish religion). for over 2000 years there was no mention or record of any Assyrian doing anything in the name of "Ashur", but suddenly just as the British joined alliance with the Nestorians, "Assyrians" appear once again but this time having nothing to do with Assyria. --------------------- |
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