The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Ok AssyrianMazloom, now reply to this...

Re: Ok AssyrianMazloom, now reply to this...
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Sunday, December 2 2007, 7:22:28 (CET)
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Muncho wrote:
>Your prefrence of which post to reply to FIRST shows the size of your skull...
>Now reply to this...
>"I do know the meaning and I am using it in the manner the born again Christians use it. Since you don't know me or about me, I was very active in their churches and grew up with them. I am very aware of them and their dogmas."
>***All Christians are no "born again" AssyrianMazloom... Now I know why you are like this, and I don't blame you. You're using their ways now, while being a Muslim now... (Now you know why I told you "You're not a real Muslim ;-)

Never said they all were "born again". They are only known among the Protestant sects and the Roman Catholics/Eastern Orthodox do not have such thing as a "born again". i am very aware of that and I never said it.

>"No you have not accused me of what others do and honestly my messages are not intended toward you. If you are offended by my post or feel insulted, I appologize and never intended to hurt the good Christians. I was always clear that my message was not inteted toward everyone and you shouldn't take offense to it because I am always responding to the lies and slanders made by Jumblat."
>*** I was never wrong when I said you don't read your own posts. ;-)

Yes you were wrong because you try to get offended by what we say yet plsay totally blind of your Christian brother(Jumblat).

>"You should know this I know you are aware of what is going on but you chose to play naive"
>*** PROPORTIONALLY, there are just as many STUPID Christians as there are STUPID Muslims, Atheists, AND Sculptors... Do you understand what I'm saying here? If you do... Tell me why it is like that?

Once again, don't tell me that but teach that to your own. I already knew that and was aware of that long ago. Never judge an entire nation by the bad ones.

>"and make it seem as if me and Pancho are some monsters who hate Christians."
>*** Even those who won't go to Janna can see that ;-)

Right, so Jumblat does not bash Islam, Muslims, Arabs, Kurds etc?

>" Do you not realize that we have been on a defense mode and what we have written on here has not been refuted or proven wrong"
>*** loool I know... you have some very strong "evidence" lol

Just read the posts and you will know.

>"because we don't lie or post slanders."
>*** Poor you... You never do anything like that. lol (generalizing and accusing one person of the things others do is not lying of course; that is only done by "geniuses")

Of course not, I defeat my oppononents fair and square, and with integrity. I don't have to lie, slander or do what Jumblat does to get even with him. Just do a little research and see who has killed more and who hates who.

>"We have been fair ans square. Jumblat claims that Assyrians and Christians have been persecuted, killed and forced to convert to Islam."
>*** Take a short trip to Iraq one of these days... BTW. Do you know why "Aljubooreenn" of Iraq are called that?

I have relatives and friends in Baghdad and I know Assyrians who visit Iraq yearly some times even more than once a year. Assyrians have not suffered more than any other Iraqis. The Assyrians and Kurds be dancing and shaking their behinds in Linda Gorge parties without shame while people in Baghdad are dying. As to "Al jubooreen", why don't you tell us why they are called that.

>"We ask for proof and he can't show any."
>***You don't need any proof to change your mind... You only see what you look for...

There you go assuming and thinking we do as you do. Do you think I have never read and believed all the bull shit and propganda of Fred Aprim and the rest of those? Do you think their stuff holds water against reality? hell no. We are not like those fools but we actually do real research and we are not obligated to lie or say that we lived in "fear" like Jumblat did. if these clowns lived in fear, that's their problem. But the many Assyrians and Chaldeans that I have known did not live in fear. They had everything that any other Iraqis had and in some cases even more.

>"He makes bogus statements and we refute them one by one."
>*** It's a FREE country... Ask pancho ;-) (lol@refute them one by one)

Sure, then I will set him straight as well. It's a free country and he makes bogus statements and I will also be free to say as I please, but I still wont tell lies or fabricate shit. I have more honor and integrity than that. I eat my enemies like a lion eats other animals. But I don't go looking for trouble or wanting to hurt others.

>"There is no reason to lie about this. The majority of the Iraqi people are proud of their heritage wether Christian or Muslims. So don't make us out to be the bad guys, and you know the real deal."
>*** You're the ones who do that... Too many cartoons, I guess...

No we are not, but you are obviously in a state of "denial" as Jumblat likes to say. If you can't see that or you don't know this by now, you are either playing dumb or as I have said before you must know some cool ass, open minded "Assyrians". I like to meet them some time and maybe have some hot wings with them(halal of course). And Mancho, if you like to chat some time, let me know and we can exchange emails or something. And if you like to write on here, that's fine too. I am not here to make enemies but I don't fear anyone either and ewspecially not opposing views.


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