The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Okay....I'll play along.....

Re: Okay....I'll play along.....
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Thursday, May 23 2013, 15:17:43 (UTC)
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Taoro wrote:
>So you are saying that when your grand children stop speaking Assyrian

...the whole point to the post was that none of you speak speak Aramaic.....Akkadian, the language of the cuneiform tablets and monuments and inscriptions is the language of the Assyrians...none of you speak "Assyrian".

they are no longer assyrian though you do (happening to us in the whole western world)? Or did i missunderstand you?

...of course there are no assyrians....are you serious? Where are the Babylonians? Where are the Sumerians? Where are the Hittites? How come only YOU survived? Where are the Arameans, whose language YOU speak?

...silly man., answer...what is the ancestral language of the Assyrians? Is it Akkadian, which their entire history is written in BY them...or is it the language of the Arameans?


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