The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Strange , YES for a PERSON LIKE YOU!

Re: Strange , YES for a PERSON LIKE YOU!
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, December 1 2007, 21:22:40 (CET)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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JUMBLAT wrote:
>Pancho wrote:
>" ... I have ten cousins who all graduated medical school in Baghdad and Dr Donny George rose to the very top of his field...not to mention Tariq Azziz..."
>REPLY >>>
>Keep in mind that Donny George or Tariq Azziz never been in their position without the help of the Assyrian Tikrities , to prove that I will ask you the following question:

...what difference does that make? You aren't in the United Strates without the help of
>Where is Dr. Donny George today and why ?

...he was chased out of Iraq, where he'd been quietly doing good work under Saddm, by the Christian West....where he now resides teaching school...and looking for help with which to continue the education of his children...who'd been in college receiving excellent and FREE education Iraq...before the Crusaders came again.
>Please answer that without any lecture of your style !

...mind your own business.


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