The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: TYPICAL!!!

Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Sunday, November 25 2007, 3:19:02 (CET)
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Muncho wrote:
>"Bravoooo, that is the whole point that I been making. Don't blame Islam for what Muslims do and that is the point I been trying to make."
>That point is known by many people, in ways that are better than yours and pancho's... You and pancho hear something you don't like from some Assyrian, then you judge every other Assyrian of being the same...
> Look how many things the idiot pancho accuses me of, when I never said or implied them... You do too, indirectly... You two geniuses do that because of your pathetic obsession... You create an argument for yourselves so you can feel good about spewing out your garbage... The sad thing is; you two actually "Believe" that the world is made of idiots like you... It isn't our fault if your Parents were too IGNORANT to tell you that MANY Muslim tribe are Assyrians in Blood... You carry the ignorance of your parents in your Genes, and you two come out here and blame other people for it...

We are not ignorant but we go by what we see. We never said all Assyrians think that but it is the vast majority, so go argue with them and not us. But if you accept others as Assyrians, that's great than why you pissed?

>"Islam simply remained pure from the time of Muhammad(pbuh) and the Quran."
>That's what every other religion CLAIMS you FOOL... drop this BS about MY religion being PURER than all the others... GROW UP...

Of course they do, but research them and you will come to learn that they are not. Did the immidiate followers of Jesus(PBUH)think of themselves as "Christiaans" or did they think of themselves as "converting" to a new religion? the answer is no. So that's enough proof that the religion has not remained pure at all. Than there are other man made additions, deletions, etc so if you can't handle it, I am sorry but I am not ignorant but I actually research and not only what 1 person says but everything. I read what the various scholars say, know and what evidence they have and their evidence shows that it has not remained pure. When we say Islam has remained pure, we not only say it but that is the fact. The Quran was not written centuries after Muhammad(pbuh) it was not "property of the church" it was not disputed and not a letter has changed since it's very beginning. There are currently no less than 9 million Muslims who know the Quran by heart from cover to cover. So it's not just saying it, but we have the proof that the Quran has remained pure and untouched. Your very own Sir William Muir, who hated Islam, stated himself in his book "the Quran has been handed down to us unchanged. There is perhabs no other book which has remained twelve centuries with such pure text". So it is not only Muslims who say so, but even western scholars.
" As I already said Islam is not named after man, name,"
>Which religion is named after a "man" you FOOL... If you are too stupid to realize that "Christ" IS NOT a name, who's fault is it?

"Christ" is a corrupt form of "Christos" it is simply a title which translates as "annointed". So I don't think I am stupid, but it's only common for some of you to insult, attack and use any method possible to defeat a person who speaks a little truth, yet when your some of the Christians speak nasty of Islam or lie, we are all bad and have to accept it, right?

>"place or object but it simply implies "Surrender to the will of the God"."
>ALL religions preach that INCLUDING Christianity... Don't blame Christianity, or any other religion for that matter, if you can't understand them...

Oh I understand it very well or else I wouldn't be where I am today.
" That is not favortism but just simple as that."
>Simple for you because your mind CAN'T comprehend anything else... GET IT?

Not true, as I already said, I am not narrow minded or else I would still be a "Nestorian" and follow my family tradition.

>"Therefore, a "Muslim" is "One who surrenders to the will of God".
>Blah blah blah
>"By submitting to God and obeying his rules to the best of one's ability," one will find real peace starting from the heart and comfort. Simple as that."
>So why then, Islam hasn't brought "peace" in the Muslim world?...

It don't mean people will always offer you peace, and if the Muslim world is not doing Islam, how can there be "peace"? It first starts with Muslims doing their part as many more are starting to, but by "peace" that don't mean that others will always offer you "peace", common sense, don't you think. Name just 1 Muslim country which actually is Islamic, I will be waiting for your answer. There may be Muslims there, but the heads of the states are not Muslim and they are not doing Islam. Remember when Islam had it's golden era when Muslims were in 3 continents? they were doing Islam and there was "peace" wherever Islam went and settled. Remember Spain, Eastern Europe, etc? they were all under Islam for many centuries and there was "peace" Christians and Jews were fleeing Christian lands overnite and coming to live under Islam.
Let me tell you somethng new AssyrianMazloom.
>NO Religion brings peace to anybody... It's YOUR UNDERSTANDING of it that does... GET IT? If you have an evil Nature, you stay evil no matter what religious books you read... You want "proof"? Look around you in YOUR Muslim world...

Daaaw, you are right by that. "Religion" don't bring peace but 'God does, and by "Surrendering to him totally" one will have "peace" and millions prove it all the time, but as I already said, that don't mean others will offer you peace. But one will have peace starting in the heart and be a better person than before, and no matter what happens a person will have inner peace, but that don't mean that one can't defend him self or others against injustice.

>"don't know what you mean by "falsefied" but yes many people do take it out of context and misinterpreted both intenionally and ignorantly,"
>And you think Christians don't do the same with their Bible?... My God you have so much growing up to do...

Of course they do, and they do it almost with every verse. I never said that they don't.

>" but one has to keep in mind that the Quran has no "chronical" order, and, therefore, if one can take things out of context because it sometimes skips from one subject to another. It may be talking about one incident, and suddenly the next verse that follows it is actually speaking of a totally different event, time and situation. It was just the way it was put together after it was compiled, but when one carefully reads it one will grasp the real message and understand what is going on. Furthermore, we been blessed to have to Sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh) which helps us in interpreting less detailed verses."
>DO NOT claim to be an "expert" on Islam and the Qur'an... You know nothing about it... Why do I say that? Because if you truly understood the concepts in it, you would not sit here with a mouth diarrhea ...

I am not an expert but I learn everyday, and, inshallah, one day I will be the best I can be in it, but I understand it enough to refute the many lies and slanders against it.

>"If God willed, he could have guided all of mankind to the straith way" but what would be the point in that if a person doesen't want to believe?"
>If God willed, He would have put some extra brain cells in your head and pancho's. He didn't did He?

You sound pissed.
>"It's not our duty to force people nor will God force us because he has given us "free choice""
>But it's YOUR "duty" to tell everyone else how wrong they are with what they believe, is it?...

Nope, it is only my duty to tell them of Islam and show them how in reality it is no different from what they believe and that it is man made corruption which seperates us, and I tell them of Islam and let them compare and find out for themselves where the truth lies. It is God who guides anyways and not us. We only call others to it thew best we can, and God rewards us for it.

"until we die and then we'll receive real justice and real judgement."
>What an ignorant statement, that Always comes from Fools that have lost touch with reality...... (So we'll go to Jan'na and receive SEVEN VIRGINS, ha?) lol

Don't be foolish now, ok lol.
>" Not the kind of judgement where if Goerge Bush does something he don't have to worry about showing up to fcourt, but if I fail to show up there will be a "warrant for my arrest". Real justice and real judgement comes from God who is "The Just" and the "Source of Peace" "As Salaam". "
>Blah blah bla...
>"So, don't try to accuse me of things I didn't do or try to flip the table around. Neither Pancho or I attacked Christians or Christianity,"
>No! Of course you and pancho never attack Christians and Christianity... How could you?... YOU TWO IDIOTS NEVER READ YOUR OWN POSTS...

We never started the attacks and we still are not attacking Christians. There are good Christians and I know some. So don't be foolish.

"but we simply point out facts"
>Facts according to your 5 cell brain heads...

How you know it's 5, did you count?
>"of where and when Christians have done the things which they accused Islam of and continue doing so."

>Muslims do the SAME thing, and continue to do, you fool... Do you live with your eyes and ears sealed? No! Of course you don't... It's just that you don't have enough receptors in your head...

They just started writing books in defense but Muslims write books on Islam and refute the allegations. So keep that in mind.
"Of course there are good people among all communities and that is because of that "original nature"
>If you believe that, who don't you talk about "Concepts", instead of judging people and their religion?

I am not judging at all.
"I hope I clarified this"
>Not to yourself and pancho... You still have a long way to go.

>You wanna be nice?... *whisper *Discuss ideas without degrading anyone...*

I am nice I hope, and yes we should discuss ideas without degrading others or insulting. I don't see Pancho insulting anyone, but I see many insulting him. He never said he "hates all Christians" he just simply pointed out that people who call themselves "Christians" have cause far more bloodshed and in many times it was to force or spread their faith. It wasn't like the Islamic empire which did not oppress, persecute or force conversions on others. There are bad Muslims of course and hell there are some that I don't like but I don't blame Islam for it, and I really don't like to blame Christianity or any other religion for the atrocities committed by its followers. I have always made clear that when I do speak of Christianity at times that I am not speaking of Jesus Christ(pbuh) but of the Church instead. But yes there are good people in all communities and we shouldn't degrade each other. Peace.


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