The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.

Re: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Monday, April 30 2012, 9:31:28 (UTC)
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I believe that's exactly what they do and it is actually much easier to lure the uneducated and weak and non-practicing muslims into that because most of the time them the kinds who will fight while the religious are wimps. I see it all the time how the pakistani, the afghan or the arab and even the iranian muslims will kiss white ass, live in their neighborhoods and are afraid to speak or complain because they have a business and making money. It's hard for anyone with feelings and cares for others to just sit there and watch images or videos of the things you described. Hells, when I see images of the rednecks and white people torturing and killing animals, I wanna torture them to where they be begging me to kill them out of pain. I would make them eat glass for what they do to the animals. Just like when I first saw the images of that vietnamese girl with her skin peeling off from the gas bomb that was dropped by the US air force, I went crazy even as a child seeing that. I had sworn to my mother when I was a child that I would find the one who did this to her and would torture him, and my mother would just laugh at me knowing I was young.

I was close to getting fired from my job recently because I was about to pull this white male out the store and beat the living shit out of him when he told me he shoots rabbits for fun and loves living in the country. I told him go to falluja and ramadi, my friends waiting for you there and they will fuck your mom, sister and your jesus. These motherfuckers make me sick and I absolutely hate them with all my strength. I wanna be in the same room with all them fox news boys, and all them brave heroes. That's my dream. Elijah muhammad was right when he said there is no devil as taught by books, but there is the white man and they are devils. They don't live underground, wear red suits and have horns, but live with us and cause chaos around the world. That man was right, yet they say he was crazy and an apostate. I agree with his teachings the NOI have my respect. It pisses muslims off when I speak of NOI and consider them real muslims but oh well, they can hate it as much they want. I don't bow to white people, and never will. My father never liked them, and I didn't know why but I know now my father was a genius and knew exactly why he hated them. Unlike them who kill us, harm us and hate us for our skin, we hate them for what they do and we only fight them because we are defending ourselves, not their kind of defending where they shoot black teenagers just because they were "suspicious." We have reasons to feel this way about them because of all the agony they have caused. They murder people, animals and destroy the environment we live in. Who else does this except them?


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