The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Terrorist targeted historic SC church on 193rd anniversary ...

Re: Terrorist targeted historic SC church on 193rd anniversary ...
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Thursday, June 18 2015, 20:35:13 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title:

...when you wrong people...when you kidnap them away from their homes and families and kidnap their families and work them to death and whip and rape and murder them, you have to expect that they want REVENGE! Whites saw slave rebellions everywhere because they created the CONDITIONS for their fears....they knew they had good reason to be afraid...even though there was very little actual rebellion and even to this day Blacks have been extremely patient and forbearing...way too much, really. Whites DESERVE to be isn't a slave's fault he has murderous feelings towards his master, it is his master's fault.

I never understood this about Americans...they believe that there should never be a hostile reaction to THEIR hostile if, when an American drops a glass, it should NOT shatter....he is, after all "exceptional"....the laws of physics, as the laws of common humanity and decency, should apply to an American.

In old cowboy movies the hero often beats the hell out of an addmitedly bad guy...a very bad guy. In the movie the bad guy, the very bad guy, takes his whipping very UNLIKE a bad guy would....he sort of gets chastened into milder behavior...when in reality he would look out for any opportunity to pay the hero back, even to shooting him IN the back...but not where an American hero is concerned...there people take their beatings, or they had better, especially if they have children us "good guys" can starve to death.


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