The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: The Assyrian ETNOCIDE by the ARAB MUSLIM invaders

Re: The Assyrian ETNOCIDE by the ARAB MUSLIM invaders
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Tuesday, November 27 2007, 18:24:41 (CET)
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Once again you provided us with nothing and on top of that you lied with it. The Muslims who settled in Mesopotamia in the 7th century ce did not force any to convert nor was the Islamic empire as such as the Roman Empire, Persian, Egyptian, Babylonian etc. It was an empire of one of its kind and never before or after has the world seen one like that of Islam. It was not an empire that, oppressed, killed, raped etc, but it was an empire based on faith and it libereated people, freed them, allowed them to prosper and live for the first time without being oppressed and persecuted. If the Islamic migration trult so bad and it practiced "forced conversions" or "die", there wouldn't be a single Hindu left or Assyrian or any other group of people. Yes many more Assyrians embraced Islam and over the years obviously didn't maintain their language but that is not due to force or pressure but rather by choice.

You are a liars and that is why you will never go anywhere or achieve anything but dig a deeper hole for yourselves. Sadly you people never learn from your mistakes and you are and always will be product of the British invetion after 1915. Else you still would not be calling yourselves Assyrians. Had they named you Chaldeans, you wouldn't have come to know your Assyrians in a million years. Isn't it strange that all the Roman Catholic Syriac speaking people are "Chaldean" and all the Nestorians became "Assyrians"? it shows what you people truly are and there is in this world far more Assyrians than you think, they just not Christian nor do they play along with your prejudices. Pancho was right and you have failed to show a single evidence of Muslims killing Assyrians for their religion or ethnicity. You are a very sad, sorry and foul person.


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