The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: The Assyrian ETNOCIDE by the ARAB MUSLIM invaders

Re: The Assyrian ETNOCIDE by the ARAB MUSLIM invaders
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Tuesday, November 27 2007, 19:16:39 (CET)
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JUMBLAT wrote:
>Geschrieben von / Written by Ashur Beth-Shlimon am 27. November 2007 10:00:00:
>Dear all:
>For a long time I am thinking what the ARAB MUSLIM invasion affected us since the middle of the seventh century A.D. that didn't took them little over three centuries where they transformed south of Baghdad to be a Muslim and an Arabic Speaking people .

...and you people became a Christian and an Aramaic speaking

>Luckily, it was very hard for them to assimilate Assyria completely, where the resistance was very hard, because as Assyrian Christians , that in the BIBLE advise the believers when they have hardship of authority they should move to another place until the safety is guarantee then they could came back, UNLIKE what happened in the south where majority of people they preferred to stay and they pray the price of Arabization and Islamization.

...this is all your fantasy...The Arab Conquest saved the Christians of Iraq from Roman brutality.
>Keep in mind that a case in point to the ASSYRIAN Resistance that a family which the ex-president Saddam Hussein belongs they were forced to convert , but one of his grand grand uncles proffered to kill himself than to be a Muslim.

...this is bullshit.
>If you are interest to know about it, kindly read a book which was printed in Cairo , Egypt 1991 and the writer claims to be Secretary of Saddam Hussein her name is Khalidah Abed Al-Qahhar خالدة عبد القهار keep in mind that Christianity was in the Tikrit, Samara, Hadetha and Mosul up to A.D. 1400 as majority of the population and in TIKRIT alone there were at least seven Churches.

...this is like asking a Nazi for "proof"...and he quotes "Mein Kampf". For every obscure "writer" an Aprim or Rosie-Malek that you bring up there are hundreds of legitimate authors and historians who give you the lie.
>Before I would like to PROMOTE my idea that you may not believe that I made it up this world , " ETHNOCIDE ' then I used google what a miracle that it was there and hereunder a definition of the word .

...well, it's good to see you using a dictionary for once.
>Because, for a long time that I examined our situation , and knowing what the ARAB MUSLIMS did to me

...this is the "truth" behind all your claims; you blame Islam and Arabs for your own personal failures...people like you convince themselves that had it not been for the Arab Conquest they would have been GREAT in Assyria.

it was like a GENOCIDE, but then it was not exactly a genocide, because the people were ARABIZED and ISLAMIZED and due to these two processes that were forced and imposed on us and in the other hand it serve as a GENOCIDE that will impact on people.

...very funny. Our people in the West have no trouble when they are Americanized...or fact they LOVE it. Look at the genrations of assyrians who've been coming to the West for the last 150 years....look at their offspring...look at how quickly they "forgot". And was anyone in America forcing them to forget their language and so-called culture? No.

...I can understand someone letting go of their beliefs at the point of a gun...that at least makes some sense...but to give up your culture when NO GUN is used on you seems to me to show that it isn't much of an "identity" after all. Do you suppose Fred Aprim's grandchild will be proud of his ethnicity? I doubt it...especially his offspring who'll have more to be ashamned of than most.

...Many Christians converted to Islam simply because it was more convenient...that isn't Islam's fault.
>In conclusion, I do have all the RESPECT and ADMIRATION to our brother SABRI ATMAN for his restless effort in campaigning to expose what happened to us on the hands of the Ottoman Turk, but in reality no matter what the TURK did,

...your "brother" is simply one more propagandist...I asked you for HISTORIANS...known and respected in their field...not your family members.

..Assyrians had the Millet System under the Turks, something they would LOVE to have again...but never will. Under the Turks we were allowed to live and flourish...the Turks did NOT commit genocide or ethnocide against us...their actions were directed at the Christian mountaineers in the eastern border areas because it was through those borders that the missionary/spies of the West found easy access and shelter and manpower among our tibes and villagers...the Christians living in major cities and other areas were not disturbed....had that been a genocide the Turks would have rounded up every single Christian in their empire to wipe out...but they never did that...that's what the Christians did to the Jews in every country in Europe, almost.

because the sever blow was on the hands of the Q......s ,

...we have lived in peace with Kurds as well....many times Christians joined Kurds in action against other Kurds...we have married with them...which you all claim were cases of kidnap and rape, so furious are you that our women would prefer other men and vice versa. What happened with Badr Khan was also the result of the too frienfdly relations between the European missionary/spies and the Patrirach and a few other leaders...and, interestinglt enough, the New York Times of that day placed the blame squarely on the shoulders of the missionaries for creating the conditions and being insensitive to the harm they were doing...I'll get the quote from Dr Joseph's book. It was a tragedy, certainly...but again it didn't "just" happen, and it wasn;'t the result of hatred to Christianity but what some Christians were DOING...there was good reason for it...much better than this war against Iraq by Christians.

still i see our case should be an ETHNOCIDE by the ARAB MUSLIMS , and we should have mobilize our forces to expose that and even protest it, because even as we speak many governments are against our nationals and culture.

...that is pure bullshit and your own private take on things to explain your own dismal people are always blaming others for your fuck ups...even to turning on each other.
>- We should start a campaign against ARABISM. can't throw a're going to fight "Arabism"?

>- We should make the world aware what these people did on our language and culture,

...that's strange. You see a problem with "Arabism" on "your people" but see nothing to protest in the actual war being waged against the people of Iraq and the country by Christian nations for the last 17 years and up till today...yet, once again, you want to go back to the 7th century and "protest" what Arabs did!

>- We should protest that to the ARAB LEAGUE Secretary General to apologize in the name of Arabism and Islam our ETHNOCIDE .'re cracked. You think the world owes you an apology. Under the Arabs we grew and flourished...sending out missionaries and building churches and monastaries...the trouble began when we took sides with foreign Christian invaders and became traitors to our own countries...for Jesus...and European promises.
>Ashur Beth-Shlimon
>Teshrin Tryana 27, 6757 / Noveber 27, 2007
>Ethnocide is a concept related to genocide. Primarily, the term, close to cultural genocide, is used to describe the destruction of a culture of a people, as opposed to the people themselves. It may involve a linguicide, phenomenons of acculturation, etc. Furthermore, by contrast with a genocide, an ethnocide is not necessarily intentional. However, unlike genocide, which has entered into international law, ethnocide remains primarily the province of ethnologists, who have not yet settled on a single cohesive meaning for the term.

...No Muslim state denied so-called Assyrians anything...except when they saw them teaching sedition, another word you should look up or learn. Christian Assyrians made themselves objects of suspicion and reprisal...and then howl when they got what any group would have gotten in any country who taught their young people the bilge that our Jumbo Beth-Shlimon has just stated.

...besides which you STILL failed to give a single instance of forced conversion or violence based solely on our religion...this has been your mantra for years now...only when you can find no evidence you come up with "ethnocide" at the last minute...and even that isn't backed up by anything except YOUR claims...oh yes, and one more of those "writers" you Aprim, printing their own books and then quoting themselves.

We're still waiting.


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