The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: To AssyrianMazloom

Re: To AssyrianMazloom
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Tuesday, November 27 2007, 17:40:21 (CET)
from - Network - Windows 2000 - Internet Explorer
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Muncho wrote:
>"It means "May the peace and blessings of God be upon him" It is something we say whenever we speak of a prophet or messenger of God, for example, if I say Adam I add that or as you may have been aware in English "pbuh" meaning "peace be upon him". That's what that means."
>*** I know very well what PBUH means. You don't seem to get what I said... Here it is again. What does "Sal'La AL'LAH A'layh Wasal'lam" Mean.
>in other words, what does "Sal'la" mean in that sentence? Get it?
>If it means "Worship", like you said before... Who does God worshp?

You either didn't read to understand what I wrote or you lied against me which common among you people when you know you full of crap. Where did I say "Sal'la" means "worship"? I said the daily "salaat" that we are obligated to do is not the same as what other religions call "prayer" but it is a "special worship" or I should be more specific with you since you assyrian, it is a "special type of worship". No where did I say that it means worship. So your flying away with your prejudices or your opinions which you have already made a conglusion in your mind. It be much easier if you people would read for once instead of just wanting to be right and not hear or understabd others.

If it means "Prayed"... Who does God pray to?

There you are confused and that is your fault for thinking that you are a smart but you made a fool of yourself. We are not pagans like you and God does not pray or worship nor does he even compare or resemble anything in his creation. That is what you people believe not us.

>Concentrate on ""Sal'La AL'LAH A'layh Wasal'lam", and answer accordingly. Don't use you own "interpretation while avoiding the sentence in question...

If you weren't so prejudice and would actually take time to read or learn it would help you out. I don't want to waste my time writing if you are not going to read what I say. If you have already made a conglusion in your mind and you are not wanting to learn or you got a hidden objective you are trying to achieve, save the shit. I don't waste time like that. Don't try to be sneaky or around the bush. Just say straight forward what your intention is and we take it from there.

Now Arabic is a rich language and 1 word can mean a variety of meanings. For example, the term "Islam" is one simple 5 letter word but it has many words and meanings. "Aslam" "aslama" "taslim" "salaam" etc. "Surrender" "submission" "obedience" and "peace". 1 simple word so many meanings and roots of the same word and that goes for many more words. "Worship" in Arabic is "ibada" "abudu" etc. "Sala alahu aleyhi wa salaam" means as I said already "peace and blessings of God be upon him". So if you think 1,5 billion Muslims and all the scholars and experts in Arabic got it wrong and you got it right, no wonder no one takes you suraye serious. So the stupidity is on your behalf and not mine.

It is you people who attribute all the blasphemies against God and not us. So for your own benefit, I would advise you to read, comprenhend and not be so narrow minded or such a smart ass cuz you're not. Your boy friend Jumblat has been getting his ass pounded for weeks now and has been avoiding the real subject and this all you can come up with? You already said you are not religious, so I take it as "I don't give a f..." so why waste time? if you are real curuious or wanting to learn, I have no problem clarifying things to you, but I am not going to waste time if you got other intentions. If you like to have a innerfaith dialogue, come out your shell and tell me. I be more than happy to give you my email addy or we can chat about this elsewhere. But don't waste my time or yours if you have another intention. And be honest and straight forwards about your intention. I get "sneaky Christians" Christians all the time who pretend that they want to learn and they get exposed within minutes and end up looking stupid. i don't like to humilate people or embarrass them, but had they come out with honesty I would have respected them for it and not back away. So I say the same to you.

I meet and deal with all types of Christians almost every day. Baptist, 7 Day Advantist, Pentecostal, united Pentecostal, Jehova Witnesses, you name them and I deal with them, and the more there are the easier they collapse from my experience. My brother is barely 18 and was raised in the "born again" churches and has only been a Muslim for 1 year, yet he defeats pastors and youth ministers from his church who have been studying and learning much longer. The worst of all is that they come and atack, yet they become defeated. As I have always said, I respect this forum and I have respect for Pancho and I rather not see this forum get turned into a interfaith debating forum or a "religious" forum. My intentions of coming here are not to debate nor do I strive to disprove Christianity. Christians are very capable of doing so themselves and they in fact, do so themselves but I am more than happy answer your questions if you are really curious. But if you want to waste my time or not read what I write, save the time and headache.

So, go back and read what I wrote and don't twist my words around or try to come up with your own "interpretation". I was very clear when I said "salaat" is not the same as "prayer" but it is rather a "special type of worship" but I didn't say "salaat" means "worship" nor is there only 1 meaning for 1 word.


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