The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: To AssyrianMazloom

Re: To AssyrianMazloom
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Wednesday, November 28 2007, 2:11:22 (CET)
from - Network - Windows 2000 - Internet Explorer
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You can sense Christian from miles away and once their "holy ghost" takes over them they become fools and can't behave anymore. Here are some common tactics by Christians when they know they full of it:

Name calling
signs of impatince
don't let the other person speak
don't listen to the other person
argue with without proof
telling lies
using "waste of time" as an escape
pretending to be of another religion

These are only some of the qualities they come in but certainly not all of them. About 3 years ago when I began getting involved in interfaith dialogues and debates, I noticed their behavior even before I was Muslim. To this day I can automatically tell if an article is written by a Christian or not. They give themselves away by their arrogant and nasty behavior of theirs, and as I said, don't let the power of their holy ghost take over them because they really become lost then; they can't even remain calm anymore afterwards. But, yeah I know he is a pissed of Christian who is looking for totally stupid things he wishes to create a big deal out of. Just go on their anti islamic Christian web sites and look at their behavior, language, arrogance and how weak their arguements are.

This ex Christian who recently embraced Islam use to do a lot of work on them anti islamic Christian web sites and he was telling me that they know that they've been badly defeated on every level so they are only trying to hold on and save their face. Every day, more and more people especially in the "civilized West", are turning to Islam by the tons and they know that their own don't want to hear their crap so they try to slander Islam and go purchase converts in 3rd world countries, and most of the time using the money of those poor folks or their nations. They are sad, sorry and foul and the more rope they are given, the more they hang themselves. I just had this Christian the other day try to come pick a debate with me at work, and I was talking to another Christian friend of mine, the two turned against eachother instead since they were of 2 different denominations. I didn't even have to waste my breath defending myself. But I always keep in mind that there are good Christians just as there are good ppl all over and from wherever. These jokers just seem to get all the attention and ruin it for the good Christians.


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