The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: To these DUMBS , Pancho and The AssyrianMuslim

Re: To these DUMBS , Pancho and The AssyrianMuslim
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Tuesday, December 4 2007, 23:18:11 (CET)
from - Network - Windows 2000 - Internet Explorer
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How the fuck are you waiting for a respond when you failed to even show once where Muslims killed, or forced Assyrians or Christians to convert to Islam. You couldn't come up with an answer which I already knew but I wanted to test your stupid assyrian mentality(Assyrian for ancients and assyrian for scrubs like you). Since you couldn't come up with one just like all you assholes do you try to be sneaky and change the subject by bringing "Arabization" which is a bunch of bullshit like you and your girlfriend fred aprim. It's not the are Arab's fault that their culture and language is appealing and that many accepted it or adopted it. How the fuck could they have been forced to become Arabized when there was a "millest" system under Islam and it recognized all the ethnic and religious communities.

How the fuck is your gay ass going to answer to the Assyrians in the west who become westernized? who is forcing them? who is forcing the assyrians girls to get pregnant by Black men, Mexicans, Italians and others? most of the first generation western assyrians can't speak their language properly anymore and their offspring will be worse and their off springs will forget it completely and just disappear. Who is forcing them to adapt to the societies they live in? The answer is simple that people choose on what they want to do. There is nothing Assyrian about them anyways so why you care? 100 ago not a single Nestorian could tell us when the Assyrian empire fell and you "omtanaye" only learned what you know from foreigners and your churches fanricated things afterwards. Your pissed because no one takes you serious and as Pancho said, you are real careful when speaking of Jews today because they'll nail that sorry gay ass of yours.

You crying about articrafts in Afghanistan that the Taliban destroyed to show the world how fucking stupid you people are. You ignore human life but cry over a fucking statue. What abut "Assyrian" articraffts? it was Muslims in Iraq who cherished and kept those things safely while your Christians been destroying and stealing them. Also those things have nothing to do with you so why you care. Worry about your church monument since that's all you have. There hasn't been 1 single "Assyrian" omtanaya in the last 2000 years and only now we have all these giants behind the computer. all you were and still are is a group of backwards denominations and cults which hate each others guts out. each just received it's name from foreigners.

So, you failed to do your job and want answers from us. As for Dr John Joseph, his shoe is worth more than you and all your Aprims and whoever you got in your klan. He didn't talk from his own ass but he had real quotes from Nestorian and Christians from those times. Not what your 1 fucking Christian in Syria is saying today, but actual people, patriarchs and leaders of the time who were praising Muslims and Arabs. Also western scholars, real ones not Dadeesho or Aprim who get info from their asses. Islam is the reason why pigs like you have made it to this day. I swear sometimes I wish I could have met scum bags like you in the battle field of back then, enemy to enemy, soldier to soldier and see your manhood. Subhn Allah what would I do you queers like you in the battle field. You people are only brave behind the computer and all your history is a fabrication and invention of the west. They still don't give a fuck about you fools.

So worry about the task you were fiven before you start questioning us. We have always answered your bogus statements but you failed since day 1 and all you do is jump from subject to subject. As I always say, you are just a angry fanatic Christian who fights women and children of Jews and Muslims, but we fight our enemies in the battle fields like Ashur Banipal, King Sargon, and then the Khalid Bin Waleed, Hamza, Ali, Salahadin Ayoubi who knocked hell into you assholes in the battle field and the rest of the Islamic warriors. If you are such man, go kick the 4 million Kurds out of North Iraq and take the so called land which you are a foreigner yourself in. Remember you only been in Iraq for less than 90 years and the rest of the Christians lived peacefully with their Muslim brethren and other fellow human beings. It's only scum bags like you who talk brave on the computer from 1000s of miles away.


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