The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: What a waste of precious Oxygen.

Re: What a waste of precious Oxygen.
Posted by Muncho (Guest) - Monday, November 26 2007, 21:16:31 (CET)
from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

"It means "May the peace and blessings of God be upon him" It is something we say whenever we speak of a prophet or messenger of God, for example, if I say Adam I add that or as you may have been aware in English "pbuh" meaning "peace be upon him". That's what that means."

*** I know very well what PBUH means. You don't seem to get what I said... Here it is again. What does "Sal'La AL'LAH A'layh Wasal'lam" Mean.

in other words, what does "Sal'la" mean in that sentence? Get it?

If it means "Worship", like you said before... Who does God worshp?
If it means "Prayed"... Who does God pray to?

Concentrate on ""Sal'La AL'LAH A'layh Wasal'lam", and answer accordingly. Don't use you own "interpretation while avoiding the sentence in question...


The full topic:

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