The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Why is it?

Re: Why is it?
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Saturday, December 1 2007, 4:46:17 (CET)
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Muncho wrote:
>That people like you use words they don't know the meaning to?
>Are you really proud of yourself when you lable someone "religious" and you accuse them of beeing hooked on "holy ghost" and you dont even know what those words mean?

I do know the meaning and I am using it in the manner the born again Christians use it. Since you don't know me or about me, I was very active in their churches and grew up with them. i am very aware of them and their dogmas.

>And why are you so arrogant to ALLWAYS generalize and accuse a person of the things others do? Have you seen me accusing you of anything other muslims do?

No you have not accused me of what others do and honestly my messages are not intended toward you. If you are offended by my post or feel insulted, I appologize and never intended to hurt the good Christians. I was always clear that my message was not inteted toward everyone and you shouldn't take offense to it because I am always responding to the lies and slanders made by Jumblat.

>How long do you think it will take you before you grow up and become a REAL AssyrianMazloom?

Why you say that? Do you see me bashing Christianity or all Christiansbut that is exactly what most people do to Muslims and Islam. You should know this I know you are aware of what is going on but you chose to play naive and make it seem as if me and Pancho are some monsters who hate Christians. Do you not realize that we have been on a defense mode and what we have written on here has not been refuted or proven wrong because we don't lie or post slanders. We have been fair ans square. Jumblat claims that Assyrians and Christians have been persecuted, killed and forced to convert to Islam. We ask for proof and he can't show any. He makes bogus statements and we refute them one by one. There is no reason to lie about this. The majority of the Iraqi people are proud of their heritage wether Christian or Muslims. So don't make us out to be the bad guys, and you know the real deal.


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