The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Why is it? because your hate to ASSYRIA?

Re: Why is it? because your hate to ASSYRIA?
Posted by JUMBLAT (Guest) - Saturday, December 1 2007, 18:54:40 (CET)
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The AssyrianMuslim wrote:

" Why you say that? Do you see me bashing Christianity or all Christians but that is exactly what most people do to Muslims and Islam. You should know this I know you are aware of what is going on but you chose to play naive and make it seem as if me and Pancho are some monsters who hate Christians. Do you not realize that we have been on a defense mode and what we have written on here has not been refuted or proven wrong because we don't lie or post slanders. We have been fair ans square. Jumblat claims that Assyrians and Christians have been persecuted, killed and forced to convert to Islam. We ask for proof and he can't show any. He makes bogus statements and we refute them one by one. There is no reason to lie about this. The majority of the Iraqi people are proud of their heritage wether Christian or Muslims. So don't make us out to be the bad guys, and you know the real deal. "


As they say you could run, BUT you can't hide because it is crystal clear that you and Pancho as the Iraqis say ' tezeen fatal baz ' you are BASHING ASSYRIANISM along CHRISTIANITY in the favor of ARABIZM and ISLAMIZM those elements of FEAR and INTIMIDATION.

Mr. Muslim , people are NOT STUPID , people all around the world know what is ISLAM very well, I don't have to explain that what I am saying is said by many people being that ASSYRIAN , EGYPTIAN, PERSIAN, TURKISH , LEBANESE, EUROPEANS and others .

ISLAM agenda is clear but unfortunately the WEST and AMERICA don't grasp their EVIL intentions , with the wealth,the technology and the women of the WEST and AMERICA are conquering WEST domain, and if the WEST and AMERICA don't wake up for this CANCER which is ISLAM and ARABISM the world will be turned upside down , because these people will not make people live in harmony, IF THEY DO , I will not have a problem, THEIR ugly HISTORY REVEALS THEIR DEVIL INTENTIONS , THEIR EMPIRE didn't last it was taken over by those who claim ISLAM as the only way for that time to crush them and they did in conclusion ISLAM and ARABISM are two EVIL THINGS should BE ISOLATED PERIOD .

You always bashed CHRISTIANITY while you are living in the CHRISTIAN domain, how many people you yourself claim to become MUSLIMS , my question to you IS how many of those are confined in their homes because of fear to be killed BY YOUR PEACEFUL MUSLIMS ? how many Christian converted to your ISLAM JUNG were killed by Christians ? THE ANSWER YOU KNOW IT BUT YOU DON'T HAVE COURAGE TO ADMIT because the answer is NONE in capital letter.
Now how many MUSLIMS are threatened by MUSLIMS because their rejection of ISLAM they are many and many others were killed , AND AS SEARCH IN GOOGLE ABOUT THE CHRISTIAN CONVERSION TO YOUR ISLAM, YOU WILL FIND MANY PEOPLE WHO WERE KILLED OR LEAVING IN FEAR OF YOUR PEACEFUL ISLAM as you claim YOUR ISLAM IS NOT PEACEFUL it is mere A HYENA in the clothes of a LAMB !




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