The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: define Arabization?

Re: define Arabization?
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Monday, December 3 2007, 23:06:03 (CET)
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pancho wrote:
>Jumbo tried to pull a fast one...for him. Realizing that we w ere onto him because we didn't blindly accept the old refrain about how Muslims killed and forcibly converted us and unable to find even one instance when this occured...he changed tactics and came up with Arabization as a way of saying the same thing; that we weere "disappeared" by islam.
>But how? If we were NOT forcibly converted to islam and we were NOT massacred just for our religion..and if we had our Millet System and lived in peace(more than Christians lived with Christians) among Arabs and Turks as well as co-existed and intermarried with Kurds...bbarring normal blood fueds and raids common to the entire human race...and if we have kept to this day our own religion and then were we Arabized? In what way?
>Did we become Arabs somehow? Did we become Muslim by force...or by choice...the same way we were Christianized? In truth we weren't Arabized either....we lived under Muslim rule as practised in Iraq...which was far different than what it remained in Mecca and Medina.
>Jumbo didn't explain anything...he just shifted from one non-concept to another....once again counting on buzz words to set our heads nodding agrement....let him now explain just how the Nestorians were Arabized...aside from using the Arabic language in their rituals...and since there were Arabs in BetNahrain before Muhammad...what does Islam have to do with it?
>Where is he? At least he has some fire in his belly where Mumbo has Vaseline.

I noticed that about Jumbo too of how he loves to bounce around from topic to topic. As you said, people accepted things by choice. Just as an Assyrian who is brought up in the west speaks the western language more and becomes westernized, the same goes for those who chose the Arab language, Aramaic, Greek, etc. The Chaldeans, for example, most of them speak Arabic even at home and no one forced them but they chose to do so. My father's family grew up with both Arabs and Turks, yet they fluently speak Aramaic. I was reading another interesting article yesrtday written by a Chaldean woman who also has a phd, and she mentioned how the Christians felt libiretared and even helped the Muslims. She further mentioned how the majority of Nestorians embraced Islam within the first 2 centuries of it's presense there. There were large number of people who accepted Islam while freedom of religion and protection was granted fully as accordance to Islamic law.

So. Jumbo the giant of assyria has nothing to show because there isn't anything at all. He knows it too but of course he is prejudice and lives in the 13th still. None of those Nestorians or others had to live in fear or worry about forced conversions. Any conversions came directly by choice and this is why Jumblat is so pissed. According to his world, all Assyrians embraced Christianity happily by the 4th century ce, yet he is not willing to accept the fact that many more embraced Islam a few centuries later. Therefore, the Muslims of Iraq have just as much right and ancient Assyrian blood in them just as the Christiand do. They don't deny Assyria, nor do they deny their heritage but they refuse to be a part of a "nation" which is defined by a particular religion. It has been said many times by the patriarchs of the church of the east that they are the true Assyrians and that Christians are the descendants of the ancient Assyrians. But of course no serious and normal human being will take their claims serious because we know it's bogus.

When it comes to Jumbo and his home boy Aprim and the rest of those, there is nothing Assyrian about them but everything church of the east. They talk about unity with Chaldeans and Suryoye, yet forget that they have their own beef within their denomination which do not see eye to eye. They can't accept each other, yet want the Chaldeans to come kneeling to them and say "we are Assyrians" so that way they can start their revolution.


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