The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: pancho, you are truely a sick dog

Re: pancho, you are truely a sick dog
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Sunday, November 25 2007, 20:21:53 (CET)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Muncho wrote:
>Is this your way of stopping me from posting here? You know I won't be the cause of sick shit comming out of your mouth about somebody else. you remain so dense I don't understand...unless you simply don't read anything...I've said several times that I cherish your presence...and love your non-posts...we stop no one...never have. The only thing that happens is that people eventually ban it should be.
>We're living in the 21st century... Can't you read IP addresses you IDIOT? You own this forum. Don't you have enough money to get good software that will help you with that?... Broke all the sculptures?... Nothing to sell and get money for anymore?

...boy, you really can't get over that sculpture can you. You'd think I'd be the one upset and not you. I appreciate your concern but it was no big fact it was worth a lot more destroyed than ruined by Christians...yet again. to your true identity; if it isn't important to you why should I care who you "really" are?
>You Desperate Pathetic sicko...

..thank you.
>Don't worry, I wont post here anymore so the Shit you have about people can stay in your head and mouth... Loser!'s your choice, of course.


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