The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: someone will say....

Re: someone will say....
Posted by Rashad (Guest) - Saturday, March 24 2012, 16:49:05 (UTC)
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You're right we don't bother with them nor are we "wasting" time with them. It's having them on record avoiding us or undressing for us and for readers. Anyone in the future who gets involved in this subject will see these heroes getting dismantled on here by us. If they come themselves and debate us on here, fine. If they choose not to, as most of them do, that's fine also and we just refute their works on here. I mean in the few years I been on this forum, I can almost count how many heroes have actually been on here, but I have lost count of how many I have invited on here that didn't make it. These fucks know we are not wasting our time nor bothering with them. This is their plea to get us to stop. They can't face us, a few of us with nothing but words, and they can't face us. And then we are told these dweebs will actually rise up, and take their country back with either aprim, magie or one of them leading the way. In the meanwhile they can't even face few of us on here.

Whether they come on here or not, we didn't waste our time. We refute what they say on here, by email, and still put it in public and now you have gotten involved with wikipedia. I don't care if they come on here or not. Them not coming on here is almost as good as them coming on here. It really don't make a difference because we win either way and every time and against every hero. The greatest of them, their "historians" and those who are worshiped in their community can't face me. Their followers see this as a good a thing and praise their hero by saying he doesn't waste time. They don't realize they just made a fool of themselves and their heroes and I put each and every one of them on top of a dick. That's what you do with them, that's what they like and I take pleasure doing it.

Some day soon I can retire by having made a career destroying heroes. I should start my own pest control business and have a bunch of facial pictures of aprim, bet shlimon, little ashur, etc with bodies of roaches, and have the question: are you bothered by these things? Call rashad, the exterminator. Little ashur also asked why we bother with "assyrians" but we aren't as mentioned already. Fuck him and every assyrian. All of them are a bunch of assholes and you have to be an asshole to be a fan of aprim or to be an assyrian. You have to be an asshole, coward, and a sucker.


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